Operate allows you to disable transactions that take place on or before a certain date you can specify. This option is useful when you go through your monthly bill run and you no longer want billable transactions raised for the month - it helps ensure that all your invoicing is complete at the time of the bill run.
The steps below need to be taken manually, every month.
Go to Settings > General > Organizations > Organizations.
Select the Organization for which you would like to disable transactions.
On the Organization setup page, enter a Date under Disable Transactions Dated On or Before. This date will need to be manually updated each month before bill run and will prevent invoices from being raised for any past date until the entered date,
Save the changes to your Organization when you are ready.
If you want to keep the restriction permanent, you can leave the date active and no transactions will be raised on or before it.
If you want to allow transactions to be entered for past dates, then you can come back to the Organization and remove the date; however, please keep in mind that past charges will not bill unless you go through the bill run for the month they are entered for or they are invoiced manually. If you choose to do this, please check the Unbilled Charges report before you go through the Bill Run, to ensure that no charges are left uninvoiced.