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Member Portal: Creating Online Plans
Member Portal: Creating Online Plans

Member Portal: The General Online Plan Creation Process

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

To create an Online plan, the corresponding Operate module needs to be installed on your account. To install it, go to Settings > Integrations > Portal > Online Plans. Click install, then click Open to continue.

If your module is already installed, you will find it listed under Portal > Online Plans, in the main menu.

Here is where will see any existing plans listed and a New button, which you can click to create a new plan.

On your plan configuration page, add the following information:

  1. Select the Plan Type (General or Membership) from the drop down menu. Read more about Online Plan Types!

  2. Name your Plan in the Online Plan Name box and describe your Plan in the Description box (the Online Plan Description information is for internal reference only and will not be displayed to your clients). 

   3.Name your Location - In the Select a location title field, enter a title for the       location(s) of the plan described in the Description box. Then in the Select a      location text box, enter some text, which describes the location(s). You’ll find the  text editor has many editing tools for you to use to customize the look and feel of your Online Plan pages. 

Please note that in order for a particular Location to be listed under your Online Plans, it needs to have an Online Alias set (this is managed under Space > Locations).

   4. Add a Plan Package - Beneath the Select a location text you’ll find the Choose a package title box. This is where you will enter a Package Name. In the Choose a package text box beneath it, enter a description of the Package. 

When you’ve completed your entries, click the Save button at the top right hand corner of the screen. You can come back and edit your entries at any time.

Next, you need to add packages to your Plan. Please read Creating Online Packages for the Member Portal to learn more.

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