The Day Delegates functionality allows you to offer an inclusive per person per day delegate rate, this is very useful for conferences and other large events and could include add on services such as catering, Wi-Fi access etc.
To add Day Delegate Rates, go to Settings > General > Customize > Calendar > Day Delegate Rate and click New.
Enter a Description.
Add the Price.
Add the Catering Up To Price.
Enter the Minimum Delegates.
Select the Location.
Select the meeting room for which you are applying the rate.
Select Catering and Facilities available at this rate.
Save your setup when you are happy with it.
To update existing rates, click the pencil icon to edit it directly or select multiple records, then click Update, to change a particular field on multiple records at a time. Use the red βxβ or the Delete button to remove a record.
Please note: The Day Delegate Rate feature cannot be used with bookings made through the Operate Portal at the moment. These bookings can only be charged on an hourly basis.