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Data Ranges in essensys Operate Reports

Available Data Ranges in essensys Operate Reports

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

You can apply Date Filters by clicking on Date Filter and selecting one of the options in the Date Filter picklist:

  • All Time: will show you the entire date range for your data

  • Custom: allows you to select specific dates

  • Today: will return results for today

  • Yesterday: will return results for yesterday

  • Tomorrow: will return results for tomorrow

  • Last Week: will return results for the week before the current week (Mon – Sun)

  • Last Month: will return results for the month before the current month (calendar month)

  • Last Year: will return results for the year before the current year (calendar year)

  • This Week: will return results for the current week (Mon – Sun)

  • This Month: will return results for the current month (calendar month)

  • This Year: will return results for the current year (calendar year)

  • Next Week: will return results for the week following the current week (Mon – Sun)

  • Next Month: will return results for the month following the current month (calendar month)

  • Next Year: will return results for the year following the current year (calendar year)

Calendar months are the 1st to the last day in a month

Calendar years are 1st of January to the 31st of December.

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