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Discounts in essensys Operate

Adding Discounts to Products and Accounts in essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 4 years ago


While selling with Operate, you can use both full pricing, as well as discounted prices for all your products or services. There is no limit to the number of discounts you can add. 

Adding Discounts 

You can add discounts either from the Accounts or the Products module. The Discounts you add on a Product record will display on the selected customer record; and vice-versa, if you add a Discount using an Account record, the Discount will display on the product as well. 

To add a discount from a Product record:

  • Go to Space > Products and find the product to which you would like to add the discount.

  • On the Product page, you will see a Standard Discounts section.  

To add a discount from an Account record:

  • Go to Member > Accounts and find the account record to which you would like to add the discount.

  • On the Account page, you will see a Standard Discounts section. 

Please note:
If you do not see the Standard Discounts section on either an Account or Product page, then please check what type of Account or Product your are trying to add the discount to, then check the Page layout of that Account or Product Type. There will be a separate page layout for each record type, you can see how to configure it by reading Customizing Page Layouts in essensys Operate

To add a Discount

  1. Within the Standard Discount section, on either your Account or Product record, click the New button. 

  2. Select the customer account to which you would like to associate the discount.

  3. Note the Product field and ensure that you are applying the discount to the correct product.

  4. Enter the discount amount, under the Discount field.

  5. Choose a discount type. This will determine whether your Discount amount will apply as a % or a currency amount. For example, if your Discount field contains the value "5" and your Discount type is set to %, then the product's price will be discounted by 5%. If your Discount type is set to a currency, then the discount will be, for instance,  5 GBP (or whichever your currency is).

  6. Enter a start and end date to determine the period within which your customer will receive the product for a discounted price. Save your settings when you’re happy with them. 

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