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Setting Up Facebook for Your Member Portal
Setting Up Facebook for Your Member Portal

Use Facebook to Improve the Visibility of Your Member Portal and Allow Users to Sign in with Their Profiles

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

Operate's Social Media integration tools allow you to use Facebook as a means to improve the visibility of your Portal, as well as to make it easier for users to sign in using their own social media profiles. In this guide, we will look into how to do both.

To set up the Facebook bookmark:

  • Log into your Operator account at

  • Go to Settings > General > Portal > Operate Portal.  

  • Scroll down to Step 2. 

  • Enter your Facebook Page URL then tick the box to show the Facebook icon. 

  • Click Save Settings on the top right of your screen.

The Facebook bookmark will place a link to your fan page right underneath the sign in area being displayed when users want to log into your Portal. This is what it looks like: 

To Allow Users to Sign in Using Facebook

If you would like to allow your clients to use their Facebook login on the portal, follow the same steps as above and enter your Facebook API Key underneath the bookmark tick box. Tick the box below the API Key as well, in order to enable the Facebook Sign in. 

Getting Your Facebook API Key

You will be asked to choose an App name, and enter an email address to be the main contact. 

Select Create App ID. You will then be asked to complete a security check by entering some text.

Once your App is created, your App ID/API Key and App Secret is available under Settings.

Simply enter your Facebook API Key when enabling Facebook Sign in on your Operate Portal. This will allow your users to log in using their Facebook profile.

Please note that the email address associated to the user's Facebook account needs to exist in your Operate database. The easiest way is to add your users as contacts.

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