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Using Operate - Licenses
Using Operate - Licenses
Operate - Licence Common Issues and Best PracticesDo you have a question or an issue with Licences in Operate? You might find an answer here.
Operate - Renewing a LicenceLicence Agreement Renewal Process in Operate
Operate - Extending a LicenceExtend the Initial Term of a Licence in essensys Operate
Operate - Licence Terms and ConditionsAdding Terms and Conditions to Licence Agreements using essensys Operate
Operate - Terminating a Service on a LicenceMake Changes to an essensys Operate Licence when it the Remains Active, but the client Terminates a Service
Operate - Transferring a Licence When the Client Moves OfficesGeneral essensys Operate Office Move Procedure
Operate - Setting Up Rolling ContractsA Guide to Configuring Rolling Licence Agreements / Contracts in essensys Operate
Operate - Approving LicencesApprove Operate Licences before they are enforced
Operate - Movement HistoryView All Movements Your Customers Make Using essensys Operate
Operate - Creating a Stepped LicenceUsing Operate to create stepped deals which gradually increase pricing
Operate - Adding an Ad-Hoc Charge to a LicenceAdd Additional Charges to the Initial Invoice When Creating a Licence in Operate
Operate - Viewing Events / Audit TrailsSee what happens with your Operate Licences
Operate - Giving Notice on a Licence AgreementHow to give notice and extend a licence agreement in essensys Operate
Operate - Activating a New Client LicenceActivating a New Client Licence
Operate - Merging LicencesThis article shows you how to merge to of the same customer's Licence records into one.
Operate - Using CommissionsIf you would like to grant a commission to a salesperson or broker, read this guide to find how to implement this within Operate
Operate - Pausing Memberships without Reflecting the Pause in Occupancy ReportsThis guide explains how to pause a membership for an existing customer
Operate - Managing Payments for Paused MembershipsThis guide shows you how to use Operate to ensure payments are collected and accounted for after a member has had billing paused
Operate - Adding Surety to Licence AgreementsUse the Surety feature when you need additional assurance as part of your Licence agreements
Operate - Approving or Rejecting a Licence DiscountResponding to Email Notifications for Licences with Discounts
Operate - Licence TypesTypes of Licence Agreements to Create with essensys Operate
Operate - Creating a Licence: Co-WorkingUse essensys Operate Create a New Licence for a Client Renting Co-Working Space
Operate - Creating a Licence: ResidentialUse essensys Operate Create a New Licence for a Resident Customer
Operate - Creating a Licence: VirtualUse essensys Operate Create a New Licence for a Virtual Client
Operate - Transferring a LicenceA General Licence Transfer Process in essensys Operate
Operate - Terminating a LicenceThe General Licence Termination Process in essensys Operate
Operate - Adding Offices and Services to a LicenceAdd Office Space, Contract or Virtual Services to a Licence Agreement in essensys Operate
Operate - Licences OverviewGeneral Information about the Licences Module in essensys Operate
Operate - Creating a LicenceA Guide to Creating a New Licence Agreement in essensys Operate
Operate - Introducing eSignA new way to efficiently and securely send Licences from Operate
Operate - Sending a Licence via eSignSign your licences automatically using eSign and Operate
Operate - Long Running LicencesThis article explains the adjustments Operate makes to help you manage very extensive Licence Agreements
Operate - Issuing LicencesThis guide shows you how to send a Licence to your customer
Operate - Pausing a Membership and Extending the LicenceThis article shows you how to pause a membership and extend the licence to recover the revenue that would have been earned during the pause
Operate - Viewing the Original End Date of a LicenceThis should help you find the original end date of a licence that has been updated or extended