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Adding Your Logo to Document Templates in Operate

A guide to using your Organization's logo on Operate Documents

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

If you need your Organization's Logo to be visible on your documents (such as Invoices, Booking Forms, Licence Agreements, etc, there are two methods that will help you achieve this.

Method 1: Use the Logo Button on the Template Editor

The easiest method is to use the Logo button on the template editor, available on each type of template under Settings > General > Templates. 

The button can be found on the toolbar, above the template preview. 

When clicking this button, a Logo placeholder area will be added to your template. 

If you only use one Organization in Operate and it does not have a previously uploaded logo, you will be prompted to upload one. The logo will thus be added to your organization, as well as the templates you use it on. 

If you are using multiple organizations, then you will not be prompted to upload an image. Your logo placeholder will be added, but it will not be visible if the Organization with which you are using the template does not have a logo uploaded. The Organization is determined by the Location for which your document is generated. For instance, you may have Location 1 assigned to Organization 1 which has a logo; and Location 2 assigned to Organization 2 which does not have a logo. In such a case, documents issued for Location 1 will display the logo, those issued for Location 2 will not. To avoid this, follow this guide to add a logo to your organization.

Method 2: Add the Logo to Your Organization then Add a Merge Field to the Template Editor

  1. Add the Logo to your Organization -  Please follow this guide to do so.

  2. Add the Logo to your document templates - Our Knowledge Base contains a series of guides that will help you configure each type of template. You can find them all here. On each type of template, you will find an 'Organization' category, under step 1: 'Select field from'. Then under step 2: 'Select Merge Field' you will find 'Logo'. Drag the Logo field and drag it onto the template, as shown below. 

Be sure to save each template you add the Logo to. Whenever you generate a document that uses this template, you will be able to see the added Logo that you have added to the Organization that the document belongs to.

We recommend adding your logo to all of your templates, to make sure that there is none in use which does not have it.

You can also add your logo as a header, which will allow it to appear on all of your pages. Read more about adding headers and footers to your document templates.

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