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Booked / Unbooked Statuses for Invoices and Credit Notes in Operate

This explains the invoice and credit note statuses, booked or unbooked, depending on whether they have been exported to an accounting tool

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 6 years ago

In Operate, Invoices and Credit Notes will be assigned one of the following statuses, depending on whether they have been exported to a third party accounting application: 

  • Unbooked - Invoices and Credit Notes under this status have not been exported to an accounting application. 

  • Booked - As soon as Invoices and Credit Notes are exported to an accounting app, their status will become Booked. Booked invoices and Credit Notes should be processed with care, as there is a possibility for discrepancies to occur within your accounting. For instance, unbooking/resetting a booked invoice may lead to discrepancies in numbering, in which case it is recommended to adjust the invoice within your accounting software as well. It is possible to export booked invoices if the need arises; and this should not cause any issues.

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