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The essensys Financial Connector - Financial Exports to Sage 50 v26-v30

This guide takes you through the necessary steps to take in order to export Operate transactions to SagLine 50 v26-v30

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 9 months ago

The essensys Financial Connector (eFC) enables full integration with Sage Line 50, v26-v30, meaning there's no need to switch from your preferred accounting platform.

The essensys Financial Connector allows you to export: 

  • Invoices and Credit Notes.

  • Cash and Journals (Journal Credits only. Please see this guide on how to export Journal Debits)

What does this mean to you?

•    Seamless integration - eFC handles the full data transfer making it a frictionless process.
•    Security - All transferred data is encrypted and no sensitive data is stored.
•    Ease of use - eFC does the work for you within a few clicks.
•    Stay with what you know - No need for new accounting software training or hassle.
•    Cost and time efficiency - eFC removes the expense and time of accounting software migration.
•  An   automated, accurate and efficient solution - eFC eliminates risk of human error through manual inputs and file exports

Follow our simple step-by-step guide below to install eFC.

Installing the essensys Financial Connector

To export to Sage Line 50 v26-v30 you will first require the essensys Financial Connector. If you have not already downloaded and installed this application, then please go to Settings > Integrations, search for Sage Line 50 Desktop and click on install / Open and you will be prompted with a link that lets you download the essensys Financial Connector. Operate will provide an installation file corresponding to your Operating System. 

If you currently have an active installation of the Financial Connector, used alongside CentreCharge, please uninstall it and then follow the process below to reinstall it.

You may need to be an administrator to run the installation and your configuration may be different, depending on the way your local machine or server is set up.

The installation example below applies to Windows.

1. Select the Destination Location - This determines the folder where your Financial Connector will be installed on your computer. Click Browse to select a different folder, or leave the one selected by default, then click Next to continue. 

Please note: If you decide to change the default installation location, you must still ensure that the folder you select is located in C:/Program Files or Program Files x86.

2. Tick Create a Desktop Shortcut if you would like the installer to create an icon on your Desktop, which you can use to access the Financial Connector. Otherwise, you can leave this unchecked. Click Next to continue. 

3. Your application is now ready to install. Please review the installation folder to ensure it is correct, then click Install to proceed. 

4. Click Install.

5. Allow the installation to run, then click Finish

6. Tick the box to Launch Essensys Financial Connector right away, then click Finishone more time.

When first installed, your Financial Connector app will provide three main screens: 

a. The main export settings screen

b. The export configuration screen - This is accessible by clicking the Configure button on the main screen and allows you to set up your export in more detail. Select the latest version of Sage 50cloud Accounts.

c. Logs - This is where you will see any errors related to transactions that have failed to export.  

Running the essensys Financial Connector

As soon as you launch the application, you will be prompted to enter your Operate user credentials - username and password. Please submit them to log in. 

You will then be presented with a step by step export process. 

Step 1

Select your Organization from the list.  Click Configure to select from different export options. 

Click Configure to select from different export options. Here is where you can select the the version of Sage Line 50 you're using, 

Please enter your Sage login credentials (Username and Password), as well as the export's Data Path ( the folder where the Sage data sits on your local machine or server, if you are not sure what this is you can find it by logging into Sage and going to "Help>About"  In the first column, third block down headed "Program Details" you will see an entry for Data Directory, you cannot copy this, however you can write this down and enter it in the eFC) and Suspense Account (this is either 9998 or 9999). 

You can also choose what record types you would like to export: invoices and credit notes, cash and journals (credit journals only) or accounts. Save your changes when ready.  

Step 2 

Select what to export - Here is where you can choose whether to select booked or unbooked transactions. Please see our guide on booked and unbooked transaction statuses, for more information. 

Step 3

Select a Date Range - You can choose to select all transactions, occured anytime, choose specific date ranges (today, this month, last month, this year or last year), as well as to export specific transactions. You do not need to select transactions unless you choose to 

If you choose to export specific transactions, please make sure you select the correct organization and click Select Transactions. You will now be prompted to select the Site / Location(who's linked to the organization) where your transactions have taken place, the month and year which you would like to export. Any transactions that match your filter will be displayed below. Tick the box corresponding to the transactions you would like to export. Click OK to complete your selection. 

Ready to Export

Before exporting, please Test your Connection by clicking the Configure button shown in Step 1.  

If you are getting the message "Your sage needs to be registered"  that means you have to enable the eFC as a 3rd party integration and you have to enter a Serial Number and an Activation Key under your Tools >Activation > Enable 3rd Party Integration, if the tools menu is missing, it means you need to login with your Master Credentials into Sage.
Please see below a link from Sage with the different information for each version:

Please ensure that you close Sage after backed up your data as it needs to be closed for the further process and throughout your export.

Your connection is now established and the eFC will notify you. Click OK to close the notification. 

Next, please ensure that: 

  • You have backed up your Sage data.

  • You checked that all Products in Operate have a GL code added.

  • The pre-export setup has been completed for all of your records within Operate. Please see the Sage Line 50 export setup for more information.

Click Export when you are ready to proceed.

Review your Export

You will now see a summary of your export. If you have not yet backed up your Sage data, please do so now. 

Click Yes to proceed with the export, when you are ready.

Wait for your export to process

The Progress bar will provide you with a visual queue of your export status, while the section below shows you the types of exported transactions and whether they have been successful or not. 

Your export has been completed

You will now see the full summary of your exported transactions and whether they have been successful or not.

If there are any failed transactions, please click View Logs, at the bottom of the screen, to see more information about why your transactions failed to export. 

The Logs will show which transactions have failed and show an error message that may help you find why the failure occurs. 

Re-Exporting failed transactions

To export the failed transactions, please correct the error, then
run the export again, only selecting those specific transactions.

Please Note: 

Operate sends the Transaction Date per invoice line; however, Sage replaces is with the Invoice Date upon export. Due to this, it is not currently possible to ensure that your export from Operate contains the transaction line date in Sage.

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