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Operate - Using Commissions

If you would like to grant a commission to a salesperson or broker, read this guide to find how to implement this within Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago


If you would like to grant commissions to salespeople or brokers for the agreements they help you sign, you can do so from within Operate's Licences module.  

You can enter a commission as soon as you create a new Licence. Please see Creating a Licence in essensys Operate for information on how to do this. 

Please note: These fields are meant to be used for reporting purposes only. When building a report, you can pull them from all your licences and see what commissions you need to pay. Please read the 'Good to Know' section below, for further details! 

Please also note that adding a Commission is optional. You do not need to populate the Licence fields if you do not need to.

The 'Commission Type' field is where you can get started. It is found on the right-hand side of your Licence page. Start by clicking on it to reveal available commission types. 

Types of Commissions

You can populate the 'Commission Type' field with either a percentage or a currency amount. 

  • If you select '%', a 'Commission Percentage' field will be displayed. Here is where you can enter the percentage you would like to grant as a commission for this licence. 

  • If instead you select '£', a 'Commission amount' field will be displayed. You can now enter the exact currency amount you would like the commission to be for this licence. 

Good to Know

How do the fields work?

The Commission fields are only meant to be used for reporting purposes. When building a report, you can pull these fields to see what commissions you need to pay for new or existing licences. 

The field does not have any underlying logic, which means that it does not make any calculations based on its relation to other fields. It is up to you to calculate commissions and decide who to grant them to. The Operate Licence will allow you to choose both the internal salesperson and lead source (which can be a broker), but the field does not relate to any of them. All this field does is tell you how much commission needs to be paid - your business practices decide how and to whom.

A quick privacy note

The Commission fields are added to your Licence configuration page by default, but as mentioned, they are optional. However, if you use them, you do not need to add them to your printable Licence Templates (where the merge fields are not added by default). (The printable template is the one that you select as the 'Licence template' on the configuration page and which you can see when previewing the Licence). Please only add the 'Commission amount' or 'Commission percentage' fields to the printable template if you want the customer's agreement to state the paid commissions. The merge fields are available under the 'Licence' field category. Learn more about Licence Templates in essensys Operate.  

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