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Floor Ports in Connect

How to view and make changes to the floor ports listed in the Building section of essensys Connect.

Anthony Johnson avatar
Written by Anthony Johnson
Updated over a week ago


In the Floor Ports section of the Building page you will find a list of floor ports and their status in a selected space. Select the Space from the Building page and click Floor Ports.

Here you will see a table showing Floor Ports for that space including:

Floor Port Name: The name associated with the port. This is marked on the port itself.

Switchport (Switch): This is the port on the switch itself. Typically, the first number denotes the number of the switch, and the second number denotes the port on that switch. For example, Switch port 2:37 is the 37th port on the second switch. If the Switch port is not patched, this field will display as 'not patched'.

Client: This is the Client who has been allocated to that floor port.

Role: This can be Unallocated, or it will show the services that the port is set to receive, such as Voice, LAN or Internet.

Comment: Leave any comment with important information about the switch.

How to edit and patch a floor port

Typically, you will want to edit a floor port to update the patching record as soon as it's been physically patched from the floor port to the switch port.

To do this, select the Switch port field to edit it. If the floor port has not been patched, the field will say (not patched). Selecting this field will display a drop down which will provide you with a list of available switch ports to choose from. Select the tick to save the change.

Activating a Floor Port

From here, providing the patching information is correct, you can activate the switch port on the switch from this screen by clicking the 'Role' field. Select the role you want to give the switch port and click the tick to save.

You can then select from the following roles:

LAN Only - This is for devices such as Printers, TV's and the LAN Port of Routers/Firewalls/Internet

Public IP - This is for the WAN port of a Router/Firewall

Voice - This is for a port with only a handset connected

Voice/LAN/Internet - This is the most common port role. This is for ports with a handset connected, and then a PC/Laptop connected to the handset

If your patching records are not up to date and you try to amend the role of a switch port which is currently being used by another client, you will get a warning message.

There may not be free switch ports available, in which case a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen advising you to un-patch any unused port or to contact essensys.

How to add floor ports

Add new ports to a space using the add button.

  • Port Name: First, locate within the space the port that you want to add. Find the name of the port, this will be on the port itself, and enter the name here.

  • Comment: Add any important information about the port.

If you have already, or are about to physically patch the floor port to a switch port, then you can select to patch the floor port now. Otherwise, leave the box free to update the patching later.

Patching the floor port at this point will take you to a screen where you will be asked to provide details of the role of the port, as well as the associated Switch port (if any).

How to delete a floor port

To delete a floor port, select it from the list and click Delete.

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