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Call Charges in Connect

How to view and download client call charges and billing in Connect

Brian Kavanagh avatar
Written by Brian Kavanagh
Updated over a week ago


Call Charges in the Clients page allows you to send out itemised call charges to client. You can choose to see bills for individual clients, or multiple bills can be grouped together.

Creating a bill from a single client

Select a client in the Clients page and click on Call Charges > Single Client Call Charges

You will then select a month's bill to be downloaded:

And given download options once a month has been selected:

Both buttons will cause a Microsoft Excel document to download to your computer, which will open in Excel.

On the main page is also a Per-Extension Summary of the client's calls showing extension numbers against Total Billable Calls and Total Cost. There is an option to show Itemised Calls (dropdown menu to the top right of the screen), which shows more call details.

Creating an Interim bill from a single client

Click the "Interim Call Charges" button to generate an interim call charge bill before the end of month bill is available. This is also located under "Single Client Call Charges".

Start Date: Pick a starting date, this will include all calls made starting from this date. (You can pick a date up to 90 days in the past)

End Date: Pick an ending date, this will include all calls made up to the point the report is requested.

Email: Enter one or more emails for where the CSV call charges will be sent to.

Once you press submit a request will be sent to generate the requested Interim Call Charge Report. You will see a successful request message at the bottom bar of Connect.

Check your email after a few minutes and an email should be sent from <> . If no calls were made during this period then email will note this, otherwise a CSV will be attached with the Interim Call Charge.

*Note: Call charges with this feature will use the Client Call Tariff applied at the time. The interim bill may also be different to the end of month bill if there is any changes made afterwards.

Creating bills for multiple clients

Multibilling can be selected from the menu without selecting a client. You will be redirected to a page where you can select clients that you want to be included in the bill. This can be all clients and is done by checking boxes next to a client's name. Once clients have been selected you will have to enter a Destination Email Address where the bill will be sent.

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