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Main Number

What is a Main Number, when are they used and how they can be provided through Connect

Alex Taylor avatar
Written by Alex Taylor
Updated over a week ago

What is a Main Number? 

A Main Number is a telephone number that essensys will pre-configure with specific phone settings to allow a Client to use this number as the primary inbound telephone number for their business. The Telephone Manager section of Connect then hosts a Main Number Setup page where you and your Clients are able to quickly and easily direct inbound calls to their desired location.

Connect will add and reserve a Main Number for all Clients when any Voice Service is purchased. You can choose to activate this specific number if this suits the particular Client or to leave it reserved never used.

A Main Number is designed as a virtual number to receive and deliver inbound calls only. They cannot place outbound calls nor be logged into a physical desk phone.

When are Main Numbers used?

A Main Number suits a Client who will receive inbound calls for their general business as opposed to inbound calls for specific individuals only.

Having a Main Number allows a business to advertise on their website a primary telephone number that will always be able to receive inbound calls. 

The same telephone number is always called from their customers and the Client is able to select with Connect where these calls are eventually delivered to.

Delivering Inbound Calls

The Main Number Setup page on Connect hosts a number of quick and easy settings to choose how any inbound calls to the Main Number are delivered. This menu can be accessed by you as centre staff and also any users from the Client who have a login for Connect with the access role of Admin.

Clients are able to specify how to route calls inside and outside of regular business hours and select from having the calls ring specific users, forward to the reception of your serviced office (if available), forward to another number or forward to voicemail.

See the article on Main Number Setup for the complete details.

How to Setup

A Main Number is activated when a Main Number Service is added to the client within Connect, it is usually the very first number in the sequence and has a First and Last name of Main Number.

If you do need to Activate the Main Number as Connect hasn't activated the number please follow the below;

  • Click on the Main Number so it is highlighted and click Edit

  • Move the enable slider to "ON" and click on "save"

The Main Number should now show as Active and is then ready to start receiving and routing calls.

  • Once back in the Telephone Manager screen, click Main Number Setup to specify exactly how any calls into this number are to be delivered

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