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Enabling Licence Agreement Renewals and Price Increases in essensys Operate

Renew Licences and Increase Pricing after Renewal in essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 5 years ago

If you need the ability to renew Licence Agreements and increase pricing in Operate, you can do so by going to the Operate Settings > General > System > Operate Settings > Member Settings. Here is where you will find a Licences section that contains the Hide Renewals and Uplifts box. Please ensure that it is unticked if you want to be able to renew and increase pricing.   

Auto Renewals

When Renewals and Uplifts are not hidden, you will be able to configure them while setting up a licence (in a dedicated Renewals and Price Increases section) or when wanting to renew one

  • On a Operate Licence you will have a section Renewal & Price Increase.

  • In this section you are able to select whether or not you would like this licence to be automatically renewed.

  • The renewal date which you select must be a day after the end date of the licence in order for this to work properly.

  • You are able to select by how many months you would like to extend the end date of the licence to. 

  • The auto renewal process automatically runs system wide, on a daily basis, processing all licences that are set to renew on that date.

  • The auto renewal will look at the end date of the licence and will also look at the notice period which has been assigned to the licence. If the renewal date – notice period = a date which is within the same month as the end date of the licence, then the licence will be renewed using the criteria specified in Operate. If the date is not in that month then it will not be renewed, it will wait until the renewal date is of the same month. 

  • A renewed licence does not need to be terminated. On the renewal date, Operate will process it automatically. The Rent, Virtual services and Contract services will be extended. The Licence End Date will be extended as well. Operate will process the automatic renewal on the same Licence record, without generating a new one. 

  • The new end date now becomes the next review date as well. Read more about renewing Licences.

Price Escalations

If you want a product to be included in any price increase Auto Escalate must be ticked on the licence item.

By default all licence items will have auto escalate ticked, so if you do not want the price increase to apply un-tick this box.

  • You have the option to either increase this price from the renewal date or further specify a particular date from which you would like the prices to be increased.

  • You can also specify how often you would like these prices to be increased in months.

  • You also have the option to declare which type of products you would like to increase price for and by how much percent.

  • You will need to set the date when you would like your licences which have been set to auto-renew to be renewed. 

  • Tip: if your Licence is set to auto-renew for a shorter period than 12 months -you will probably want to ensure the escalation is not using the renewal date unless the goal is to increase the licence more frequently then annual.

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