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Troubleshooting 'No Internet' Checklist for Connect
Troubleshooting 'No Internet' Checklist for Connect

A guide on the first steps you should take towards troubleshooting and resolving internet issues for your clients using Connect

Aisha Ali avatar
Written by Aisha Ali
Updated over a week ago

“Help! My client has no internet!”

 It helps everyone get back to working faster if you can go through these steps before contacting us, we’ll usually ask you to go and do most of these checks anyway! 

Firstly, this guide assumes a few details with the client’s set up, even if things don’t match completely (for example, desk phones), the other points and advice will still apply, this is aimed at being a ‘general’ help guide!

Secondly, don’t panic, most of these issues are resolved quickly.

Before we can begin, we need to understand how your client connects to the internet.

What do they use?:

My client uses a wired connection

Most wired connections come from the back of a desk phone, which then plugs into a floor port. Here are some checks which you can perform right now without our assistance, this can help you find the fault and fix it yourself very quickly.  

Turn it off and on again

The classic fix, we’re not joking when we ask this, it really does work a lot of the time. The client may say they have tried this already but it’s always worth doing it again yourself. Pull the internet cable out, give it a few seconds and check for any damage to the clip/cable, then put it back in. If it’s still not working, restart the PC/Laptop, most of these kinds of issues are user device related.

This is a good time to look at the PC and note down any errors or warnings that you may see regarding the internet, remember, all information is useful to us!  

Check the cabling and switch/floor port patching

Now is a good time to ensure the cable goes to the right place. Only you can fully confirm this. Things get moved around and often unplugged, and cables come loose/get damaged. Start from their device and work your way back to the switch in the comms room, checking each of the points below along the way for a problem.

  • Computer ⇾ Desk phone

  • Phone ⇾ Office floor port

  • Comms room floor port panel ⇾ Switch port

If all of this looks okay, we now need to make sure that it’s plugged into the correct switch port. You can check this using Connect’s Switch Manager and Building Manager. Remember, odd port numbers on the top row, even port numbers on the bottom row! Do you see any lights on the switch port? No light at all would indicate that the cable is unplugged/damaged somewhere along the line, or going to the wrong floor port.   

We cannot help you with building cabling problems so it’s important for you to confirm this before contacting us.

Check the switch port is assigned properly

Once you know the switch port number, and have confirmed it’s plugged into the right place, you can confirm that the switch port is assigned properly to the client on our Connect website.

Using Switch Manager (more info can be found on our Knowledge Base), find the port and click on it, at the bottom of the screen a description of the port will come up. Make sure it’s the correct role (usually Voice/LAN/Internet for phones and PCs) and the correct client.

If you’ve gone through all the above without any success, and you’re absolutely sure that their ports are assigned and patched properly, then it’s time to raise a case with us to investigate. Make sure to include as much information as possible, e.g., switch ports !

My Client uses a wireless connection

Following the steps below is the fastest way to get any WiFi issues investigated by our engineers, and also ensures they have all the correct information, meaning a much faster turnaround with any fixes. Please see this guide here.

My Client uses their own router firewall or switch with a public IP

If your client is using a public IP with their own router, our ability to help is generally reduced as we cannot access or configure the client’s devices.

Check cabling/patching and port assignment

Ensure that the client’s devices is plugged into the correct place, the bare minimum is the router/firewall should have its WAN port plugged into a Public IP port on our switch. Make sure that, on switch manager, this port is assigned as a Public IP port under the client’s name.

Get the client to check the device configuration

Print off a copy of the client’s service guide, found on connect, and give it to them. It includes a section with their Public IP details, they can use this to check they have the correct IP details set on their router/firewall.

Reboot it

A simple restart of a router/firewall will sometimes resolve the issue, it’s important to get the client’s full permission before you do this, or better yet, let them do it themselves. You don’t want to be blamed for any damage/changes to their equipment!

If none of the above works, gather as much information as you can, especially relevant switch ports (public IP port etc) and raise it in a case for us to investigate.

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