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Portal Payments in Operate

How to use Payment Gateways within Operate to accept Portal Payments, and how to ensure you are compliant

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago


In order to collect payments from customers through the Member Portal, or through your website (via Online Plans, or the external Meeting and Desk Booker), you will need to use a Payment Gateway.

Payment Gateways within Operate

Operate supports Payment Gateway integrations with many Payment Processors. See a list of our supported Processors here.  

Configuring your Portal Payments

Depending on which Processor you use, there are different methods of configuration in Operate. You can find guides here

Adding your Terms and Conditions

When collecting payment, it is important from a compliance standpoint to make your terms of service and policies available to your Members. This is crucial step to avoiding payment disputes and preventing fraud. You should understand your payment obligations to your chosen Payment Processor, and provide a clear description of your refund and cancellation policies.

Within Operate, you can add your Terms and Conditions and make it compulsory for customers to tick a box to confirm they have read and accept the document during the payment process. Your Terms and Conditions can be added when configuring your Meeting Rooms and Desks for display in the Portal, and when setting up an Online Plan.

You can also use the Portal Pages feature to make your Terms and Conditions available on your portal at all times.

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