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Operate - Customizing Page Layouts

Choose the Fields to Display on Record Pages in essensys Operate

JEFF essensys AI Bot avatar
Written by JEFF essensys AI Bot
Updated over a week ago

What are Page Layouts?

When we speak about a Page Layout we are referring to the layout and fields that are being displayed in different sections of the system where the user is required to enter information. An example could be the screen where you enter the information corresponding to a new account or contact that you are adding to Operate.

What are the Page Layouts that I Can Customize?

There is no standard page layout throughout the system; there is a page layout for each section.

These are the sections for which you can customize the page layout: Accounts, Contacts, Inventory Items, Leads, Locations, Movement History, Opportunities, Organizations and Products.

How to Customize Page Layouts?

To customize the page layouts corresponding to a particular section, go to Settings > Customize > Select your desired section and choose Page Layouts. For the purpose of this guide, we will select the Accounts section. For instance, if we would want to create a new type of account, we can create a new page layout for it, then associate it to the corresponding Record Type.

Here is where you will find a list of pre-existing page layouts (which you can edit) and where you can create your custom layouts, by clicking New, at the top left of the list.

Once starting to create your new page layout, Operate will automatically insert essential fields (such as Account Name, for example). You will also notice that the page layout is split into sections, to make it easier for you to navigate layouts that contain a large number of fields.

Adding a Section

To add a section, start by clicking the Add Section button at the top of your screen.

You will now be presented with a dialogue box, where you can configure the following:

  • Your Section Name.

  • The pages where you want to display the header of this section: The Detail Page refers to the page that only displays record information, and does not allow editing; unless the Edit button is clicked. The Editing Page is; as the name shows, the page where you can edit record information.

  • The number of columns - You can choose to create a one or two columns section.  

Click OK when you are ready and your section will be created and will be displayed at the end of your list of sections.

Adding Fields

You can easily add a field to any section of your page layout by dragging them from the list on the right to the page layout on the left.

If you are not seeing the field you need, use the Search box at the top of the field list to find it faster.

Attaching Lists

In addition to sections and fields, the page layouts also include related lists - these are a list of records from other modules which are associated to the parent module. Whilst its not possible to reorder these, you can choose to enable and disable depending on the modules you use.

For example, if we are creating a page layout for our Accounts module, we might want to be able to see a list that is relevant to the Accounts module. We might want to see the opportunities, leads or licences associated to the particular account we are viewing, for instance. These lists will be displayed on the Detail Page of your account - NOT on the Editing page. The lists are pulled up automatically from the system, according to the existing records that match the account you’re viewing.

Let’s enable a contacts list for our accounts. This means that whenever you open up an account page, you will find a list of contacts.

To do this, scroll down your page layout until you find the Contact list. To ensure that it is displayed, tick the Visible box.

In addition, you can choose what columns to display on your list, by clicking Choose Columns.

On the following screen, click a column title in the list on the left, then click the arrow towards the right to enable the column. To make sure, please check the right side list and ee that your chosen column is listed there.

Click OK when you are ready.

When you have finished adding the sections, fields and lists that you need onto your page layout, click Save, at the top right of your screen. Click Save and New if you want to create a new page layout within the same module.

Deleting a section

To delete a section, simply click on the small X at the top right corner of the section. 

Please note that once deleted you cannot restore from the recycle bin. If you need to re-add a section, you can do this by following the "Adding a Section" directions. Any fields you add back on will stay populated with any data already added to the field (you do not lose the data simply by removing a field or section from the page layout).

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