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Adding a Broker Account to essensys Operate
Adding a Broker Account to essensys Operate

Add a Broker to essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

Brokers are organizations you work with in order to receive new leads.

You can add a broker account into Operate by going to Member > Accounts.

Click New - or Get Started if this is your first record. Select Broker on the Account Type screen. You can customize your account types by creating your own record types under Settings > General > Customize > Accounts > Record Types.

Next, add your broker information:

  • Select the Owner of this broker account - the person who is primarily responsible for the relationship with this broker.

  • Add the Account Name 

  • Enter your broker’s Email

  • Enter the Telephone number

  • Add their Website

  • Select the Agent Type - The default values are Commercial Agent or Web Broker. You can add your own agent types by clicking the “+” sign next to the dropdown.

  • Enter the broker’s full address in the fields on the right: Address, Town/City, County/State, Postcode/Zip and Country.

Save your changes when you are ready.

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