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Payment Settings Configuration on the Operate Portal

Manage payment methods and recurring payments on the Operate Member Portal

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 3 years ago

Your payment settings area allows you to manage submitted payment methods (credit cards or bank accounts), as well as to enable or disable recurring charges. 

To get started, log into your Portal account, hover over your name in the menu bar and select Payment Settings

You will be presented with a page similar to the one below: 

Click Manage account to begin managing your payment settings. 

From this point forward, your interface may differ, depending on the payment processor being used; however, the same principles will apply. You should therefore next see a window where you can view and manage your payment methods and recurring payment (Autopay) preferences.

The example screenshot below is based on the interface used by PlacePay (Formerly Rentshare). 

  1. To view your currently enabled payment methods, please click the With dropdown.

    To add a new payment method, click Add Payment Method, in the menu displayed under the With dropdown. Learn more in the dedicated guide.

  2. The Fees field will display the amount of payment processor fee you will be charged per automatic payment.  

  3. Enable or disable recurring payments via Autopay by switching the toggle to the ON or OFF position, respectively. Please toggle this from "Off" to "On" to "Off" to "On" again to enroll, where you will be asked to confirm each change. AutoPay allows you to make automatic payments on each due date, for the amount due (plus PlacePay/Rentshare fees). When setting up a recurring payment, you are also able to allocate a specific card as the payment method, by selecting it under the With dropdown menu.  

Once these settings have been input, the Autopay box should look as it does below:

Coming out of that page, you will see the below when the Recurring Payments setting has been setup successfully.

It's important to note that this does not sign them up for Recurring Payments.

Only after a member has gone through the above process and their payment settings looks as it does above can they choose "Recurring payment" when paying an invoice on the portal. The above steps need to be taken before this action can be implemented and taken into account for future payments.

Please note: 

In some cases, such as PlacePay/Rentshare, Autopay will be overridden if another Admin links their card to Autopay, because their default card will become the payment method of choice. When viewing the payment settings it is clearly visible which user is currently linked to Autopay - their email address will be listed here, as shown below:  

We recommend that only one user manages payment settings within your organization to prevent any issues caused by {your processor overriding the default payment account.

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