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Connect - Raising a new case

How to raise a new Connect support case and fill in the details we need to help you out

Brian Kavanagh avatar
Written by Brian Kavanagh
Updated over a week ago


Here you can log problem cases or questions for the essensys team on behalf of yourself or clients. You can also review previous cases or check their progress.

Having selected New Case from the Support section (found in the main navigation menu) you can now raise a new case. All cases are logged at essensys. By using this guide, you will be able to log cases correctly, allowing our staff to resolve problems quickly.

Select a Customer: Use the dropdown menu to find the client who wishes to make the case. If you are logging the case on your own behalf, select the top option.
Select a Contact: If you are raising a case on behalf of a client, you can select their name from the menu here. If you are raising a case for yourself, you will be referred to as the ‘Operator’, which will appear beside your name in brackets.
Select a Case Area: Select an area that the case affects.
Select a Case Type: This field gives multiple options for the type of case being logged.
Subject: Use this field to give the case a short title related to the issue.
Description: Give more details for the case, at this point, save any screenshots or correspondence related to the matter that can be shared with the essensys staff if necessary.

See Closed and Old Cases 

If you ever need to go back to see an old or closed case, you can easily do it from this same page, just click on the Closed Cases link.

Please see the below Video to go through how to raise support cases further;

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