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Booking a Tour in essensys Operate

Booking Tours at Your Location in essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 7 years ago

Operate's Sales module allows you to manage tours at your location. Go to Sales > Tours to get started.

Adding a New Tour

To add a new tour, click New, at the top of your list of pre-existing tours. 

  • Enter the Owner - the person who is responsible for the tour.

  • Add the Start Date/Time of the tour.

  • Add the End Date/Time of the tour.

  • Set a Reminder - Tick the box first, to enable it; then select when you would like to be reminder before the tour. The available time intervals range between 5 minutes to 24 h.

  • Set the tour Status:

  • Not started - This status tells you that the tour has been scheduled and is yet to start.

  • No show - The date/time of the tour have passed and the prospect did not come.

  • Completed - The tour has taken place.

  • Cancelled - The tour has been cancelled.  

  • Set the tour Type:

  • Tour - This is a regular tour that takes place with a regular prospect, for the first time.

  • 2nd Tour and 3rd Tour can be used when the same prospect schedules a 2nd or 3rd tour at your location/.

  • Broker Tour can be used when you book a tour for a broker.

  • Select the Location where the tour is taking place.

  • Choose the main Contact for the tour. This is a contact representing your prospect. This contact needs to have been previously added to the system, under the Contacts module.  

  • Enter the prospect’s Website.

  • Enter the prospect’s Email address.

  • Tick the box if you want to Send a Tour Confirmation Email to your prospect.

  • Tick the box if you want to Send this tour To Outlook. This will send an iCal booking to your Outlook calendar. Note that any changes in Operate will not update the iCal event.

  • Add Comments as needed.

  • Save your changes when you are ready.

Editing / Removing Tours

To edit an existing tour, go to Sales > Tours and click the pencil icon next to the tour you want to edit.

By default the tour confirmation box will be unchecked when you edit the tour, if you would like to resend an updated tour confirmation email once you have amended the tour you can check this box.

To delete a tour, click the red “x” sign next to it then confirm your choice. Alternatively, you can tick the box corresponding to the tour then click the Delete button at the top. By ticking the boxes next to several tours will allow you to make batch deletions.

To quickly update information related to one or more tours, tick the box next to the tour/(s) you want to update, then click the Update button on top of the list. Now just select an option that you want to change.

Quick Tour Status Updates

You can update the tour status using one of these method:

  • Using the Update button at the top > Select the Status option and you will have the possibility to chose the new status.

  • By editing the tour and clicking one of the the statuses under the Save and Cancel buttons. This will save your tour with the status you have clicked.  

Rescheduling a Tour

If your prospect can’t make it to the tour or you need to reschedule for any other reason, you can easily do so by opening the existing tour and clicking Reschedule, underneath the Save and Cancel buttons on the right.  

Using the Reschedule option creates a new tour record and marks the original as rescheduled so that you can see the difference between the original date that was rescheduled and the new tour date which will be set as arranged until completed.

Searching Your Tours

You can easily navigate through your tours using the searching options available at the top right of your tours list. You can filter your tours by month, year, location or owner. In addition, you can use the Filter search box to look for keywords.

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