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Member Portal - Payment Gateway

Processing Payments with on the Operate Member Portal

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a year ago is a payment processor that allows you to accept payment on your website, from all major credit cards. This guide will help you enable and use to handle payments in Operate.

Payments in Operate 

Who is making payments?

Essensys provides Operate to property owners who rent properties to other companies/people.

Those companies/people make payments to property owners for products/services used.

Where are the payments made?

Payments are made in the portal in 2 areas:

  • Payments for individual invoices: My Account -> Invoices

  • Immediate payments for bookings: My Meetings -> Book a meeting room

There are also recurring payments triggered from Operate, which can be used to collect payments from different accounts, for their corresponding invoices


Go to Operate > Settings > Integrations > Payment Processors. Find Checkout V2 and click Install

Once installed, the buttons you will see next to will be Open and Uninstall. Click Open to proceed. 

Configuring Your Integration

Click Start on the Welcome Screen.

Next, configure ALL of the organizations for which you want to enable Simply click Configure to get started.  

Set the Currency (enter the currency code - E.g.: GBP, EUR, USD). Next, enter your Public and Secret Keys. These are provided to you by the Sales Manager when your account is approved.  

Tick Enable Recurring Payments if you want to accept them. 

Tick Use Sandbox ONLY if you want to test the integration using the Sandbox. Otherwise, please leave this latter option unticked. When Use Sandbox is ticked, your checkout page will mention "This is in test mode" and no payment will be accepted live.

As soon as you save, your Organization should look like below and Checkout should be listed as the current processor. Your payments are now enabled.

Recurring Payments

Before you can use recurring payments via Checkout's app and start the collection, the customer's card details have to be stored by making a first payment in the portal and enable recurring payments. 

Recurring payments can only be selected for invoice payments, booking payments only allow one time payments.

Starting Collection

You will now be able to also collect payments from your customers via From the Same Organizations screen, click Start Collection at the top right. 

Filter your list by Organizations or Locations as needed; and select the Accounts that you want to collect from. Click Collect Now to proceed. 

Your collection log download should start automatically and a copy will also be emailed to you. If you would like to download a copy of the log file click the download button below. 

Making a test payment

For  sandbox you can use test card details:

Number: 4242424242424242

Expiry : 6/22 (any future expiry date, in the format mm/yy or mm/yyyy)

Cvv: 100 Reponse Codes returns a series of response codes, depending on the status of a transaction. A list of possible response codes is available at: Test card numbers — credit, debit, and prepaid - Docs (

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