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Operate - List Views

Customize Record List Views in Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

Records are organized as lists, across the different modules of Operate. Lists can be further organized in list views (predefined or custom) then filtered. Records within a list view can be sorted based on the fields they each contain.

To access specific records, first navigate to the Operate module that contains them. In this article, we will be using the Accounts module as an example.

All records and custom list views can be exported, using the Export button, available along with all of your record lists,.

Selecting a List View

When first accessing a module, Operate will display the 10 most recent records by default. To view records that fulfill specific criteria, use the dropdown at the top left and select your desired option. Note that these options differ, depending on your selected module.

Adding a New List View

You can create your own list views for every module.

  • To add a new list view, access the module that you want to create it for, then click the “+” sign next to the selection dropdown at the top left.     

Name your View

  • Simply enter your list's name into the View Name text box. 

Apply filters 

These will determine what your list view will display:

  • Select a Field Name from the available list.

  • Choose a condition.

  • Enter a value - The value field might require free text or allow you to choose from a list of options

  • Repeat these steps when adding the next filters.

  • Use the Add New button to add more filters; or the Add Logic button to specify AND and OR conditions for your filters, which change the default AND relationship between each filter. 

When adding logic, it’s good to know that:

  • AND ties two fields together, so that your list view contains both or all fields (e.g.: 1 AND 2 AND 3).

  • OR will make your list view display either one field or the other; depending on your selection. (e.g.: 1 OR 2 OR 3).

  • You can combine AND and OR in more complex expressions; in which case you can use parentheses.

Let’s take a look at an example:

If, for instance, you would like to find out which customer accounts have a balance of 500 pounds or more, who pay immediately, but not by cash or cheque, you would set up the filter as follows:

Choose Balance under Field Name. Select the greater than or equal condition. Enter “500” in the Value field.

If, on the other hand, you would want to filter customer accounts with a balance of 500 pounds or more; who either pay immediately or which don’t pay by cash or cheque, then you would need to set up a logical filter. Click Add Logic and enter the following: “1 AND (2 OR 3)” 

NOTE on date related filters: 

When you select a date related field such as: Creation Date, Enquiry Date, etc; the filter will display a Value textbox which needs to be populated with one of the following values: 

  • NOW

















Simply enter the text in uppercase and the filter will apply.

You can also use a specific date if you like, by entering the date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd. 

Select List View Fields

  • Select the fields to display - These fields represent the column titles and corresponding content that you will see in the list. Click the arrows to add or remove fields - the left hand side list displays available fields, while on the right hand side you will see the fields you select. 

Final Touches

  • Check the checkbox if you want the list view to be private.
    6. Save your list view. You will be returned to the list view page to see the results upon saving. Edit the list view to make any changes to it.

NOTE: You can also save a new list view by editing an existing one then clicking Save as New.

Editing / Removing an Existing List View

To edit an existing list view, first make sure to select it within your desired module. Next, click the pencil icon next to the list view.    

You can now edit the criteria upon which the list view is based, as well as delete it or save it as a new one.

NOTE: The “All” list view, which you will find all accross Operate, is a default list which cannot be renamed (any renaming will be overridden). Except for the Leads module, the “All” list view should not contain filters.

Filtering Records

You can filter records within a list view, either by location or by user.

  1. To filter records, first access a module and select a list view.

  2. Use the filter dropdowns at the top right of your record list to apply the filter.

These filters may differ, depending on the area you are viewing. They generally include: locations, users or months.

: You can choose how many records to display per page, by using the dropdown underneath the filters.

Sorting Records

You can sort records within any view simply by choosing what column to sort by, then clicking its title. In the example screenshot below, the records are filtered by Account Name.

Searching for Records

You can search for a specific record by using the Filter search box on the right. Simply type in your keyword (e.g.: the name of a customer), then hit Enter/Return to perform the search. Operate will now list the entry/ies that relate/s to your search.

Updating Record Owners

In the event that you need to remove a user from Operate, you will need to update the owner or all records owned by the user you remove. This can apply to e.g. leads, opportunities, tours, etc. To update record owners, go to the section to which the record belongs (e.g.: leads, tours, etc.) and ensure that 'all' is selected on the left then pick the user you want to see on the right. 

Once you have the records displayed, click the 'select all' button and use the 'update' feature to perform a mass update, in this instance you would update the 'owner' and pick a new user to assign the record to.

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