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Editing Users within Operate

Managing users and permissions within essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 4 months ago


Users are the team members within your company who use Operate. You can add the users you need, and set restrictions on access to different areas of the system for each individual user.

Each User can create their own unique user profile and email signature that will be displayed on any communication sent to customers when logged into Operate.

To get started managing your Operate users, go to Settings > General > General/Getting Started > Users.

Invite Users

To create a new user, click New, at the top of the list of any existing users.

On the next screen, enter the email address of your new user, their first name and last name, and then select their location and security group. The user will have access to the same options that are enabled for the security group you select. Once the user accepts your invite, you can change permissions for the individual user.

Click Create Bulk List to enter email addresses to invite users to Operate. Multiple addresses must be separated using a semicolon (;)

Click Send invites to invite your users to Operate. As soon as they confirm their account, they will be displayed in your user list.

Please note that in order for a user to have access to more than one location, their profile needs to be edited, as shown below.

Edit User Profile Information

Once your user has accepted the invite, they can edit their profile by themselves; however, an administrator may also add such details, from under Settings > General > General/Getting Started > Users.

You can add data such as their basic profile and contact details, add access details for your building or change their user group.

You can also edit the user’s location and groups as needed. Here is where you can also check a checkbox which will allow or restrict the user from seeing prospect accounts within the system.

Select User Options

At the bottom of the user’s details page, there is a User Options section, which lists additional user specific permissions within modules in Operate, these independent from the security groups permissions.

Any permissions that you enable or disable here will override any security group settings. Each option has a corresponding checkbox which you can tick to enable the option or untick to disable it.

Here are the options that you can enable/disable for individual users: 

  • Accounts: Can Change Accounts ID (Enabled by default) - The Account ID is a field where you can enter a unique ID for each of your customer Accounts. This ID helps identify customers, especially when working with other software to which you export data from Operate (such as financial software).

  • Can Approve Licence Agreement Pricing (Disabled by default) - This allows the user to approve Licences, as part of the Approvals process

  • Can cancel invoiced reservations (Disabled by default) - This allows the user to cancel calendar bookings that have already been invoiced. Doing this may require a credit note.

  • Can edit activated Licences - Ticking this option will allow the user to edit Licences which have already been activated. 

  • Can reset booked Invoices (Disabled by default) - This allows the user to reset invoices which have been booked/exported. Please use this with caution and make sure your staff is aware of the booked/unbooked statuses for Invoices, as well as the reset process.

  • Can reset invoices/Licences (Disabled by default) - This allows the user to reset unbooked (unexported) invoices, which means the invoices revert to draft and are then subject to change. Resetting Licences means that the user can revert the Licence to Draft.

  • Enable licence renewals - Enabling this option will grant the user the ability to renew an activated licence even when "Can edit activated licences" is not enabled. This allows the user to renew a Licence without being able to make any changes to it. 

  • Enable licence transfers - Ticking this option will grant the user the ability to transfer an activated licence even when "Can edit activated licences" is not enabled. This allows the user to transfer a Licence without being able to make any changes to it. 

  • Can Activate Terminated Licences (Enabled by default)  - This allows the user to reactivate a Terminated Licence.

  • Produce Receipts from Point of Sale (Disabled by default) - When this user enters a charge via the Point of Sale, Operate will generate a receipt which they can then provide to the customer.

  • Sales Ledger: Produce Cash Receipt (Disabled by default) - When this user enters a cash transaction within the Accounts Receivable Module, Operate will produce a receipt for that transaction.

When you are ready, click Save to ensure that your changes are enabled. 

Add Multi-Location Access for New Users

If you need to provide a new user with access to more than one Location, you will need to edit the user after sending out the invitation, as shown above. This is due to the fact that, at the moment, only one Location can be selected on the user invite.

To update a user's Location security, simply edit that user's record and go to the Location Security section. Simply click the blank space under the existing location to get a dropdown of all other available locations. Select the one you need and it will be added to the list.

To remove a location, click the 'x' symbol next to it.

Update User Profiles

To quickly update a user's profile, go to Settings > General > General/Getting Started > Users, select the user that you want to update, click the Update button at the top, then select the area you want to change.   

Remove / Discontinue Users

If you need to remove a user, either temporarily or permanently, you can delete or discontinue the user respectively. 

To delete multiple users, select them in the list and click Delete at the top of the list. 

To delete individual users, click the "x" next to the user you want to delete. 

To discontinue one or more users, select the user(s) in the list, click Update and select Discontinue. Discontinuing a user is most appropriate when you want to temporarily disable a user's account. 

When removing a user, you will need to update the owner or all records owned by the user you remove. This can apply to e.g. leads, opportunities, tours, etc. To update record owners, go to the section to which the record belongs (e.g.: leads, tours, etc.) and ensure that 'all' is selected on the left then pick the user you want to see on the right. 

Once you have the records displayed, click the 'select all' button and use the 'update' feature to perform a mass update, in this instance you would update the 'owner' and pick a new user to assign the record to.

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