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essensys Platform - Create users

How do I create occupier users? | occupier | Create user | assigned telephony | sites | Wi-Fi Secure | experience access

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Written by Stuart
Updated yesterday

Create occupier users. These users are the employees who work for the occupier (tenant).

When you create an occupier user, you will record some basic details about them and may opt to:

  • Create a Wi-Fi account that lets them connect their private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

  • Invite them to use essensys Operator Experience (the essensys Mobile App and Portal) to view and manage their own, or other user's, data.

Manage occupier users

  • Add an occupier user.

  • Edit the details associated with an existing occupier user.

  • Delete an occupier user.

Accessing the User management page

  1. In the main menu on the left, select Occupiers.

  2. In the Occupier list, select the correct occupier.

  3. Click the Users tab.
    The Users list opens, with the top user in the list (if there is one) selected.

Tip: You can filter the list of occupiers or the list of users by typing text into the search text fields. The list is filtered as you type.

Add an occupier user

  1. Click Add a user.
    The Add user details wizard opens.

  2. Supply the basic user details for the occupier user.

  3. Optionally, set up the occupier user's Wi-Fi account.
    The occupier user will be invited by email to connect their personal devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network. For more information about Wi-Fi Secure, see Wi-Fi Overview.

  4. Optionally, set up a User account to allow the occupier user to access one or more of the essensys Occupier Experience apps.
    Select a Role for the user, and invite them to use each app individually.

  5. Click Add user.

The occupier user is created.

Note: If a Wi-Fi account is created for the user, or the user has been invited to one or both of the mobile app or portal, an invitation email is sent inviting them to sign in.

Note: If you do not see the user accounts options, you have not signed up to offer the experience to your occupiers.

What next?

If the occupier user receives an invitation email, you should encourage them to use the details from their email to:

  • Sign their private devices in to the Wi-Fi Secure network at their Wi-Fi homesite.

  • Sign in to their portal or mobile app, and create a new password as prompted.

Tip: If the new occupier's telephony is managed by essensys, you can also assign this user a phone number in the Occupiers > Telephony pages. For more information, see Phone number details - Assign a user.

Editing user data

  • You can edit occupier user details by clicking Edit in the top-right of the user details page.

  • If this occupier's telephony is managed by essensys and you assigned this user a phone number in the Occupiers > Telephony pages, you can not edit their direct line telephone number in the edit page. The direct line field is replaced with a phone number field, which describes their assigned number.

  • If the user wants to connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network at a site that is not currently their Wi-Fi homesite, but they do not want to be connected to the shared Guest network (the default), you should edit their details and select a different Wi-Fi homesite for them. A new password will be issued to them by email.

  • If you update a user's email address, a notification email is sent to both their old and new email addresses for security purposes.

  • If you update a user's email address, they will need to sign in to any accounts where they use their email address as their username. This typically means signing back in to Wi-Fi Secure and to their portal or mobile app.

  • You can revoke a user's access to the Wi-Fi Secure network or to the mobile app or portal by deactivating either their Wi-Fi or User account. A user whose access is "deactivated" is prevented from signing in on their next attempt.

User details (Read-only)

User List (Left)




Optionally, filter the list of users by typing part or all of the user name into the search field.

Add user

Click to create a new user for the selected occupier. For more information, see Add a user wizard.

Add multiple users

Click to create multiple users from a spreadsheet (CSV). For more information, see Create users in bulk.

Example: You might want to load multiple users in one action if you are on-boarding a new occupier.

Edit or delete multiple users:

Select multiple occupier users at your managed sites and:

  • Delete them from the occupier.

  • Edit their current Wi-Fi account or User account details.

Download users

Click to create and download a CSV file containing details of all of the users associated with this occupier.

This will show

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Mobile

It would currently not show any Card ID or any further information.

Main Editor (Right)



Edit user

Update the details for the user that is visible in the main editor.

For details of fields in Edit dialog box, see Add a user / Edit a user.

Delete user

Delete the user from the system.

Note: If you delete a user who has a phone number that is managed via the Telephony pages, that assignment is removed on delete.


  • User name (first and last name)

  • Job title

  • Direct line / Mobile number

  • Email address

The basic details for this user.

Wi-Fi account:

  • Wi-Fi Status

  • Wi-Fi homesite

  • Concurrent device limit

  • On hover:

    • Reset Wi-Fi password

This user's Wi-Fi account details. Where present and active, the user can connect their private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network using their password.

Wi-Fi Status:

  • PROVISIONING - The Wi-Fi account is currently being activated.

  • DEACTIVATED - The Wi-Fi account has been deactivated and the user cannot connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

  • ACTIVE - The Wi-Fi account is active, and the user can connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

Where the Wi-Fi account is active, hovering over this row displays an option to reset the password used when connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure network as this user. This will prompt a new password to be sent to the user by email.


  • Assigned phone number / Ext

Where the user has been assigned a phone number in Telephony, details of this phone number are shown.

Clicking the link takes you to the phone number details page.

User accounts:

  • Account status

  • Account role

  • Portal Invite Status

  • Mobile App Invite Status

  • On hover:

    • Reset password - if sent and not used.

    • Deactivate account - if account is active.

The details of this user's account for any white-labeled essensys experience apps.
The account status, the role for the user when accessing the account, and the current status of the individual invitation to enable app sign in.

Account status:

  • NOT INVITED - The user has not been invited to access any experience app.
    Tip: To send an invite, select edit and invite the user.

  • AWAITING USER SIGN IN - The user has been invited to sign in to one or all experience apps, but has not yet signed in to any.
    On hover, a Reset button is available to the right of the invite status field. Click to resend the email invite to the user.

  • ACTIVE - The user has signed in to either the portal or mobile app.

  • DEACTIVATED - The user is temporarily denied access to the portal and mobile app.

Note: When an occupier user is invited to use these apps, they receive an invitation email with sign in details. These details are used for signing in to both of the apps. The user needs to sign in to either the portal or mobile app to reset their password for the first time.

To DEACTIVATE the user account, and thereby stop the user being able to sign in to either portal or mobile app, hover over the User account details and set the toggle as required.

User details - Add a user / Edit a user wizard





Fixed value.
The occupier that this user is associated with.

User details



First Name

Mandatory. The user's first name.

Last Name

Mandatory. The user's last name.

Email address

Mandatory. The user's email address.

Note: This value must be unique for all users associated with this operator.

  • A notification email is sent to both the old and the new email addresses.

  • The user's password is unaffected.

Job title

The user's job title. For information.

Mobile phone

Contact mobile number for user.

  • Direct line

  • Phone number (Handset)

Where the name of this field is Direct line, this is a contact land line number for the user.

Where the name of this field is Phone number, the occupier's telephony is managed by essensys, and they have been assigned this number in the Occupiers > Telephony pages.


The language that the user uses by default. For example, this affects the portal and any emails.

Wi-Fi account

Create or manage this user's Wi-Fi account details. Where a Wi-Fi account is present and active, the user can connect their private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network. For more information, see Wi-Fi Overview.

Note: Whenever you create or activate a Wi-Fi account, the user is sent a new password by email.



Create a Wi-Fi account

This option is only shown where there is no Wi-Fi account at present.

  • Select Create a Wi-Fi account to create a new Wi-Fi account for this user.

Toggle state:

  • Active

  • De-activated

Edit only.

If the user has a Wi-Fi account in either the ACTIVE or DEACTIVATED state, you will see an activation toggle on the edit dialog box:

  • Toggle to De-activated to revoke access to the Wi-Fi Secure network for this user.
    This will set the Wi-Fi account into the DEACTIVATED state and prevent this user from connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

  • Toggle to Active to grant the user access to sign in to the Wi-Fi Secure network after a period of deactivation.
    This reactivates the Wi-Fi account, and sends the user a new Wi-Fi Secure password by email.

Concurrent device limit

The number of devices that can be concurrently connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network as this user.

Once the user has reached the concurrent device limit, any further attempt to access Wi-Fi Secure as this user fails.

Wi-Fi homesite

The site at which the user will typically connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

Note: The user can connect to Wi-Fi Secure at any site that they have site access to, but they will be added to the shared Guest network at any site that is not their Wi-Fi homesite.

If the user wants to connect to the Wi-Fi Secure network at a site that is not currently their Wi-Fi homesite, but do not want to be connected to the shared Guest network (the default), you should edit their details and select a different Wi-Fi homesite. A new password will be issued by invitation email.

User accounts

Details of the user account that enables access to the white-labeled essensys Occupier Experience apps (portal and mobile app). Info: Your user only needs one set of sign in credentials for both their mobile app and their portal.

Note: If you invite a user to use the portal or mobile app in this view, the user is sent new sign-in credentials by email. If you initially invite a user just to the portal and then later invite them to use the mobile app, you will receive an email each time. The second email is just a notification, you do not need to reset your password.




The role that this user account has when accessing the apps:

  • Admin - A user that can manage the details of other users with the same occupier.

  • User - A user that can manage their own details, but not that of other users.

Note: For information about the different access for these types of user, see Occupier experience user help.

Portal account

  • Send invite to join the essensys Portal

Controls user access to your white-labeled version of the essensys portal.

  • If the user has already been invited to use the portal, the text invited is displayed.

  • If the user has not been invited to use the portal, select Send invite... to invite the user to access the portal. This activates the user account, and sends the user a new portal password by email.

Note: If you do not see this option, you have not signed up to offer the experience to your occupiers.

Mobile account

  • Send invite to join the essensys Mobile App

Controls user access to your white-labeled version of the essensys mobile app.

  • All details are as portal.

Further information

  • If you are using the Smart Access module, you can also manage access control for this user.

  • In some cases where emails have already been added to the essensys Platform you may get the error OCCUPIER_USER must have a unique email within the occupier, this would mean the email address you are trying to add has already been added. You can use the search within Platform to search for this user by their email address.

Note: You can not manage the access groups that this user is associated with in the edit user view, only in the add user view and the manage groups view

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