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Xero Accounting/Financial Export from essensys Operate

Integrating Xero with essensys Operate to Export Invoices & Credit notes

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 3 years ago

This article guides you through exporting your invoices and credits notes from Operate.
Once you have posted the transactions to Xero an event log will be created. This will capture who has carried out the export and also the date and time at which it occurred 

Your invoices and credit notes will post into Xero with an "Approved" status.

1. Check your current debtors balance in Xero, this is the balance that will be affected after the export. (Go to Accounts > Sales and look at the Amount Outstanding on the dashboard).

2. Check the total of your export - in Operate, go to Reports and filter for the Un-booked Invoice Summary Report

The GROSS total on this report is what you want to make a note of!

3. Login to Operate to run the export: Go to Settings > Integrations > Invoicing > Xero Export or search for Xero in the Global search box. From here, you can either install your Xero app if you haven't done so already; or open it to run the export. 

4. Click on the Organization that you want to conduct the export for then on the next screen, click on the Export option. 

5. Next, select whether you need to export booked or un-booked transactions.

  • Export un-booked transactions - These transactions would not have been previously exported.

  • Export booked transactions - WARNING: These transactions may already be exported. Exporting booked transactions may lead to duplicates in your financial accounts. The only time when you should export booked invoices is when you are importing into a new, blank database. 

6. Choose what range of transactions you would like to export:

  • All Transactions - this will export everything

  • Last Month - this will export transactions for the month previous to the current month

  • This Month - this will export transactions for the current month

  • Choose Transactions - this allows you to select one or more individual ransactions.

7. Confirm your Export

8. The Xero login will come up, sign into your account. 

9. Click to select the correct Xero entity.

10. You will automatically be returned to Operate.

Please note: The export does not allow negative balances on the same invoice. In this case the solution is to export the negative balances separately as a credit note.

Possible Errors

Below are some of the errors you may encounter when exporting to Xero:

  • *Account Code must be Specified" - This means that a product doesnt have a GL code. Please see Step 3 of the export setup.

  • Xero does not recognise a credit that is on the invoice - Xero won't accept a negative value on an invoice so this would need to be raised separately, as a credit note.

  • *Another contact has this contact number. Please enter a different contact number." - To fix this, please ensure that the Account ID and Account Names match between Operate and Xero. If a contact is under an Account with the same Account ID, but a different name, then this error will occur. This error will also display the concerned account(s), as shown below, so you can identify it. 

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