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Default Security Groups for Operate

The Default Security Groups for Operate and what changes can be made.

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago


Operate has three default Security Groups:

  • Reception (Basic Access)

  • Centre Manager

  • Admin

If you choose the Essential or Growth edition of Operate, these groups come preconfigured with a set of specific, best practice permissions, which cannot be edited or added to.

The Enterprise edition allows you to  create new security groups (but not edit the defaults).

Within this article, we will be explaining what each Security Group has permission for, so you can decide which group to assign your users.



Admins have full access to all areas of Operate.

Reception (Basic Access)

Sales (Growth & Enterprise edition only)

  • Can Create, Review and Update Leads

  • Can Create, Review and Update Tours and Tasks

  • Can Create, Review and Update Opportunities

  • Cannot create new Lead Sources 

  • Cannot create new Stages 

  • Cannot create new Industry Types 

Calendar / Bookings

  • Can Create, Review, Update, Cancel and Delete a booking. Best Practice: Cancel instead of deleting.

  • Can add recurring bookings

  • Can add multiple bookings 

  • Can Create a new account / contact while making a booking 

  • Can override the price of a booking 

  • Can produce, Approve and Issue instant invoice from a booking. This has to be done immediately - if the invoice screen is closed, then this group will no longer have access to the created Draft/Approved Invoice. 

Charges – Point Of Sale (POS)/Charge Sheets

  • Can Create, Review and Update charges via POS / Charge sheets

  • Can Delete charge sheets

  • Can create a new account from POS

  • Can produce instant invoice or add charge to account 

Batch Sheets

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete batch sheets

  • Can Complete batch sheets

  • Cannot Approve batch sheets (and therefore once approved cannot edit)

Device Imports

  • Can import charges into Operate from an external source via .csv upload. Can create, review, update and delete imports.

Metered Batch Sheets

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Metered Charges/ Metered Batch Sheets

Accounts Receivable 

  • No access.


  • Can Review Locations

  • Can Review Products & Product Groups

  • Can Review Meters

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Inventory


  • Can Review approved Invoices and Credit Notes. 

  • No access to Draft Invoices, Draft Credit Notes or Bill Run.


  • Can Create, Review and Update Accounts

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Contacts

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Mailing Lists 

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Emails (to send with mailing lists) 

  • No access to Licences and Movement History


  • Can Run and schedule Reports

  • Cannot Update or Delete Reports

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Report Folders

Portal (if installed)

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Announcements

  • Can Review, Update and Delete Shout Outs 

  • Can Review Portal Pages

Centre Manager


  • Can Create, Review, Update Leads

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Tours and Tasks

  • Can Create, Review, Update, Delete Opportunities

  • Cannot create new Lead Sources 

  • Cannot create new Stages 

  • Cannot create new Industry Types 

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete a Licence from an Opportunity 

Calendar / Bookings

  • Can Create, Review, Update, Cancel and Delete a booking 

  • Can add recurring bookings

  • Can add multiple bookings

  • Can create a new account / contact while making a booking 

  • Can override the price of a booking 

  • Can produce, approve and issue instant invoices from a booking

Charges – Point of Sale (POS) / Charge Sheets

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete charges via POS / Charge sheets-

  • Can Create a new Account from POS

  • Can produce, approve and issue instant invoices within the POS/ add charge to account 

Batch Sheets

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete batch sheets

  • Can Complete batch sheets 

  • Can Approve batch sheets

Device Imports

  • Can import charges into Operate from an external source via .csv upload. Can create, review, update and delete imports.

Metered Batch Sheets

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Metered Charges/ Metered Batch Sheets


  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Draft Invoices/Credit Notes .

  • Can Approve and issue Invoices/Credit Notes

  • Cannot Reset invoices/Credit Notes (this can be overridden on a user by user basis using the options within the user record itself) click here for more information

  • Can Create a Bill Run

Accounts Receivable

  • Can Use all features within the Accounts Receivable module


  • Can Review & Edit Locations 

  • Can Review  Products & Product Groups (cannot Edit)

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Meter Readings 

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Inventory Items


  • Can Create, Review and Update Accounts 

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Contacts.

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Mailing Lists 

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Emails (to send with mailing lists)

  • Can Create, Review, Update & Delete  Licences (post-activation). The ability to Update and Delete post-activation can be managed in individual user preferences. See here for more information

  • Can give notice on an Activated Licence

  • Can E-sign Licences (if installed)

  • Can Review Movement History 


  • Can Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Reports

  • Can Run and schedule Reports

  • Cannot Update or Delete Reports

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Report Folders

Portal (if installed)

  • Can Create, Review, Update and Delete Announcements

  • Can Review, Update and Delete Shout Outs

  • Cannot Create, Review, Update and Delete Portal Pages 

MENU ITEMS ACCESS (which modules within the Operate menu user will be able to see)

Reception (Basic Access)

Shout outs 


  • Batch Sheets

  • Charge Sheets

  • Device Imports

  • Metered Batch Sheets

  • Point of Sale


  • Invoices

  • Credit Notes


  • Dashboard

  • Leads

  • Opportunities

  • Tours

  • Unreadable Leads


  • Can create, edit, manage meters.


  • Accounts

  • Contacts

  • Emails

  • Email Campaigns

  • Mailing Lists

Reports (Read Only)


  • Can create, edit, manage tasks.


  • Can create, edit, manage bookings.

Centre Manager

Shout outs


  • Batch Sheets

  • Charge Sheets

  • Device Imports

  • Metered Batch Sheets

  • Point of Sale


  • Accounts Receivable

  • Draft Invoices

  • Draft Credit Notes

  • Invoices 

  • Credit Notes

  • Bill Run


  • Dashboard

  • Leads)

  • Opportunities

  • Tours

  • Unreadable Leads


  • Inventory Items

  • Locations (read only)

  • Meters

  • Products 

  • Product Groups (read only)


  • Accounts

  • Contacts

  • Emails, Mailing Lists and Email Campaigns

  • Group Accounts

  • Licences

  • Movement History


  • Can create, edit, manage folders and schedule. 


  • Can create, edit, manage tasks.


  • Can create, edit, manage bookings.


  • Customization (Read Only)

  • Audits (Read Only)

  • Users and Security Groups (Can manage Users, Security Groups are Read Only)

  • Organization settings (Read Only)

  • Templates (Read Only)

  • Workflows (Read Only)

General Permissions Regardless of User Group

  • Location Specific Reports - Custom Report Data is accessible to all users regardless of user group even if they do not have access to a particulat Location. This means that they will still be able to pull data about that Location if they create a Custom Report. This is not the case for Standard Reports where the user can only see data related to the Locations they have access to. 

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