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essensys Platform - Operations
essensys Platform - Operations

How do I monitor and manage the system in operation? | Reports | Support | Billing | Products and Pricebooks | Tasks

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 8 months ago

The Operations pages allow you to monitor the operational information from your system, and update some details while the system is in use. This includes running reports to understand the system in operation, and raising cases to fix infrastructure issues on behalf of your occupiers.

You can use the essensys Platform to:

  • Analyse the operation of your system using detailed reports.

  • Raise Support cases with essensys, and view the progress of those cases.

Note: These are your cases. They include requests, questions, and any infrastructure issues that the occupier may be experiencing at your site.

  • View monthly reports relating to billing for services and usage.

  • Create and view essensys products and pricebooks, and view infrastructure pricebooks.

  • Monitor tasks within the system, and raise cases where pending tasks are taking too long.

Note: If you are using the Dynamic Booking module, you can also book spaces from the calendar on an ad hoc basis.

How do I manage operations?

Before you begin

The operations pages are only available when the essensys Platform is in use.

How do I access the Operations pages?

  • Click Operations in the main menu to open the Operations page.

All operations functionality is accessed from the tabs along the top of the page.

What do operations entail?

  • Analyzing the operation of your system using detailed Reports.
    You can run reports that allow you to analyse essensys Platform use at your site or across your sites. Reports are graphical, allow timescale and scope configuration, and can be drilled into for more details.

  • Raising infrastructure Support cases.
    If you are experiencing issues, for example with your essensys-managed infrastructure, you can raise and then monitor support cases within the essensys Platform. Support staff at essensys will review and resolve your cases in line with your contract.

  • Monitoring tasks.
    You can view those tasks that are created within the system when the essensys Platform is used to manage services, update switches, and provision and activate telephony at your site or sites.

  • Viewing monthly Billing reports.

    You can run monthly reports that relate to the billing associated with your services and usage.

  • Creating essensys products and pricebooks.
    You can create Products that allow you to sell chargeable items, and that are connected with prices at the different sites using a Pricebook.

  • Viewing infrastructure pricebooks.
    The infrastructure pricebook details describe the details and cost of infrastructure services that may be consumed at each site. Infrastructure services, include Telephony and Wi-Fi.

Further information

  • If you create lease products, you also need to associate them with the spaces that can be leased using the Edit space dialog in the Sites pages. This association links the price to the space.

  • If you are using the Dynamic Booking module, you can use the Calendar view to book spaces either on behalf of your occupiers or to make them unavailable for booking (for example, to allow maintenance).

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