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Enterprise Reporting - Network

Enterprise | Service Analytics | Bandwidth Reporting

Che Ashwell avatar
Written by Che Ashwell
Updated over a week ago

Connect offers a reporting service for your bandwidth across your entire workspace portfolio.

This report gives you the ability to make important data driven business decisions across multiple sites based on information about your network.

Enterprise Reporting gives Operators access to insights across their business to identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, tailor compelling propositions, and improve both service performance and member experience based on actual usage trends and data.

This article covers:

  • High Bandwidth Usage

High Bandwidth Usage

Bandwidth usage above a selected percentage for over a selected period of time

A table of sites and clients where service utilization has exceeded the selected percentage for a period of greater than 15 consecutive minutes.

You will see a list of sites and services.  This report displays:

  • Site - The site client is based at

  • Name - The name of the client or service

  • Date/Time Start - The start time and date of the high bandwidth period

  • Date/Time Stop - The end time where the bandwidth threshold is no longer exceeded

  • Total Duration - The total time in minutes where high bandwidth was captured

You can filter the report by:

  • Site or all sites

  • Date period

  • Usage %

  • Report type (table or chart)

The table can also be exported if required.

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