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Usage Reports

Billing | Usage | Overage | Allocation | Allowance | Reports

Alex Taylor avatar
Written by Alex Taylor
Updated over a week ago


Connect offers a usage report to let you keep track and understand the calculation of any Bandwidth, Voice and Workstation charges. 

The report gives you a month to date report on how much Bandwidth, Voice and Workstations has been used on a daily basis including the charges if there is any. You will also be able to look back into previous months for the report. 

Understanding The Usage Report

You can access the Usage Reports by clicking Billing on the menu bar and navigating to the Usage tab. The menu bar on the right will allow you to view the different types of usage reports: 

  • Bandwidth

  • Voice 

  • Workstation 

Starting from the day column and every column to the right will record the value associated for each day within the month selected. 

The rows above the Total Allocation will represent the allocation used for each client 

  1. Total Allocation: The sum of all allocation used by each client 

  2. Allowance: The amount that you can use up to each month without a charge 

  3. Total Usage: Any amount that is allocated above your allowance (Total Allocation minus Allowance) 

  4. Price/Day: The Price/Month divided by the number of days in the month 

  5. Usage Daily Charge: Price/Day multiplied by Total Usage value and rounded to 2 decimal points 

  6. Usage Monthly Accrual: Sums up each day any usage charges you have incurred to give you either a running monthly total or the end of month charge

In the top right corner of the report we have a Export function allowing the report to be downloaded in .csv format.

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