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Adding Retainer Products to essensys Operate

Adding Deposits/Retainers to Operate Products

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 4 years ago

A Deposit or Retainer is an amount of money that a customer deposits with your company as a guarantee, when they rent space within your building.

You can add a deposit to Operate by going to Space > Products, in the top navigation menu. Click New to create a new product and select Product from the list.

Add the deposit basic Information

  • Name your deposit.

  • Select the Product Group to which the deposit belongs. In our example, this will be Deposits.

  • Select the Location where you are renting the space.

  • Use the Description box below to add details about your deposit product.

  • Upload a Picture.

  • Add a Start Date and End Date between which you want to make the deposit applicable.

  • The Discontinued box should not be checked. Only do this if/when the deposit is no longer applicable.

Add your Pricing

  • The Price will be “0” since we are not setting up a product that is being sold.

  • Add the GL code as necessary.

  • Choose the applicable Tax. Generally, Deposits are not taxable; but you can choose any applicable tax. You can customize your tax rates in Operate as well as needed.

  • The Markup field remains empty, while the Markup Type does not need to be specified.  

Add Availability Information

Simply select a location on the left and click the right side arrow to make the deposit available at that particular location. Click the double arrows to move all listed location to the right side panel and make the deposit available in all of them.

Untick all Additional Options, except Retainer, which ensures that Operate recognizes this product as a deposit.

When you are ready, click Save  to complete your setup.

Once your deposit has been set up, you can add it as a retainer product to other products/services you provide. For predefined product types, such as: desk, office, product, service, time based product and virtual service; you will find a Retainer Product field, which will give you access to the full list of deposits you have set up this way.

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