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Switching Customers from Cash to essensys Credits

How to switch Customers from Cash to essensys Credits.

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 2 years ago

Switching Customers from Cash to Credits

If you would like to switch an existing customer's payment method from Cash to Credits, navigate to Member > Accounts, edit the desired account and change their Client Type to one that uses credits.

If you would like to switch all customers belonging to a specific Client Type, then you can simply set that Client Type to Credits, in the corresponding tab of the Credits configuration area, as detailed in the Credits Configuration article.

As soon as you switch an Account from cash to credits, any associated Meeting Packages or Meeting Credits, Reservation or Product Discounts will be disabled. If you switch back to a Cash Client Type, then these discounts will resume if they are still within their set period and have not been removed from the Account record. You do not need to worry about removing any such associated packages or discounts, they will simply not work with credits.

If a customer who is switched to credits already has bookings made, these will continue to be billed using cash. To bill them in credits, please cancel and re-book them. Please check your cancellation policies to make sure the customer is not billed twice. Please see Cancelling Bookings and Configuring Cancellation Policies for further information.

Now customers are able to use essensys Credits please see this guide on how to add credits to an Account or Licence.

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