When modeling your spaces, your first task is to check or add some site details, including the site opening times.
Context: The space management processes are a partial "digital twin", where your real-world spaces are modeled in the essensys Platform. The initial modeling involves: checking and updating the site details (this task), modeling the floors at the site, and modeling the spaces on each of the floors.
This first task when using the essensys Platform is to check or model your site. This space management process begins once your infrastructure is installed and your initial site details are added into the essensys Platform by essensys.
Managing your Site Details
You can make the following changes to your site details:
Add a phone number for the site.
Add any external system identifiers to the site. This allows you to link your site to an equivalent data point in a third-party system (for example, a CRM).
Define opening hours for the site.
Before you begin
You must have access to the essensys Platform.
Your site must have been created in the essensys Platform, by essensys.
Accessing the Site Details
Select Spaces from the Main Navigation.
Select your <Site> in the Sites list.
If necessary, select the Overview tab in the main editor.
The Site page opens, displaying the current Site details.
Tip: You can filter this list of sites by site name using the search field at the top of the site list.
Tip: The site itself, and the most basic site details (Name, Address, Time zone) are read-only and are managed by essensys. You need to contact essensys for changes to these details.
Note: There is no option to add a new site. The site and basic site details are always created by essensys.
For detailed information about the values you can enter into these fields, see Site Details.
Click Edit at the top-right of the main editor.
The Edit site wizard opens.Optionally, edit the basic Site details:
Specify a Phone number for the site.
Add any external system identifiers to the site.
This allows you to link your site to an equivalent data point in a third-party system (for example, a CRM).
Save your changes or continue:
To save your changes and exit the editor, click Save and close.
To update the opening hours associated with the site, click Next.
If you clicked Next, the opening times page opens. Specify your opening times as described previously.
Save your changes or continue:
To save your changes and exit the editor, click Save and close.
To update the key contacts associated with the site, click Next.
If you clicked Next, the Contacts page opens. Specify contact details for the site. For more information, see Site key contacts.
Once all steps are completed, you can:
Navigate Back to review your changes.
Click Cancel to cancel the journey completely and discard your changes.
Click Save to save your changes to the site.
Note: You cannot edit the site name, address, or time zone, and must contact essensys if you need to make changes to these values.
What next?
If you are setting up the details of a site for the first time, you should move on to describe the floors at your site. For details, see Create Floors.
Site Details
Site list
Field | Description |
Search sites
| The search field at the top of the site list allows you to filter the list of sites by site name. The search applies as you type.
Note: The number of sites that are currently visible is displayed beneath the search field. Note that this number is subject to any filters that are currently applied. |
Site name
| Select a site to show:
Tip: To add a new floor to the site, click Add floors. For more information, see Create floors. |
Floor name
| Select a floor name to show:
To update the details of the floor, click Edit (see above). |
Main editor (selected site details)
Field | Description |
Edit | Click Edit to open the Edit site wizard and edit your site details. |
Details | The Name, Address, and Time Zone for the Site. These details are managed by essensys. Contact essensys to request updates to this data. |
Phone | This phone number at the site. |
External system | Add any external system identifiers to the site. This allows you to link your site to an equivalent data point in a third-party system (for example, a CRM). To add an external system identifier:
Opening hours | Note: If you are using the Dynamic Booking module, the opening hours will constrain when spaces at the site can be booked. Otherwise, these times are for information. For each day that the site is normally open:
Tip: For a 24 hour site, add opening times from 00:00 to 11:59. |
| Contact details used by essensys when contacting you about unforeseen events or scheduled changes:
For more information, see Site key contacts. |
Site occupancy > Export CSV | Export a site occupancy report, describing your site, its spaces, and any associated occupancy details. For more information, see Export site occupancies. |
Further information
If you are using the Dynamic Booking module, the site opening hours limit when the spaces at the site can be booked. For example, if your site closes at 17:30, no spaces can be booked for a period that would end after 17:30.
If you are using the Smart Access module, the opening hours for the site do not limit access to the site. Door access can be scheduled as part of the Smart Access configuration.