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Operate API Overview

How to access the Operate API

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

What we offer and what it is

We provide access to the essensys Operate API Reference and API Previewer for those who are looking to integrate or build on top of the  platform e.g. a custom mobile app or integration.

The documentation includes details of the API endpoints and fields covering Operate’s capabilities required by developers and third parties to build integrations. It covers what is and isn't possible when integrating with the essensys Operate platform.

The API Reference provides generic template requests and responses for querying the API.

The API Previewer will provide information specific to the account logged in.

You can the API Reference and API Previewer in essensys Operate under Settings > Developer.

API Reference

Here you can find the API Reference page which is publicly available. 

It can be accessed through:

The API Reference displays a logical grouping of the endpoints in Operate on the left.

It also provides an authentication guide. essensys Operate uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization. To start making calls to the API, contact to arrange the one time app registration and to be given the client secret.

Overall within the reference you can find:

  • Descriptions for endpoints

  • Links between endpoints

  • Fields, types, field size and field descriptions where useful

  • Guides for headers and requirements for GET, PUT and DELETE

  • SampleJSON responses for everything

  • Links to sample code projects for Android Java, Android Kotlin, iOS Swift3 and PHP 

API Previewer

The API Previewer allows you to specify the endpoint, the resource and execute methods. It will then display the response returned by the method.

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