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Standard Discounts Against an essensys Operate Account

Use Operate to Provide Specific Clients with Discounts

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 4 years ago

You can add discounts to an account by first finding it into the system using the global search box next to the Operate logo or by going to Member > Accounts; where you can find it in the list and select it. Do not edit the record, simply click to select it.

Scroll down to Standard Discounts and click New.

Enter your discount information:

  • Check the Account Name - this will be set by default to the account that you have previously selected.

  • Set the Product for which you want to apply the discount.

  • Set a Discount Type, discounts can either be applied in “%” or by a set amount“£/$”.

  • Set the Period within which the discount is valid, both From and TO date needs to be populated.

  • Save your changes.

Your record will now be displayed in the corresponding section of the account.

You can edit the record using the pencil icon next to it. If you wish to remove the discount from the Account, Edit the discount and replace the TO date with today's date or a date in the past. This will stop the discount from taking effect, now you may delete the discount from the account by using the Delete button at the top.

To quickly update a field on one or more records, check the box corresponding to your desired meeting credit records, then use the Update button at the top of the section to update the field.

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