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Utilisation Charts

Overview of each utilisation chart

Thomas Billings avatar
Written by Thomas Billings
Updated over 8 months ago


The Average Utilisation Revometer gives you a quick guide to how your Portfolio, Site, or Occupier is performing. We calculate the value using Average Utilization over the selected period and show your lowest and highest-performing sites as a comparison.

The grey bar shows the range from Lowest to Highest-performing sites.

The ratio shows the raw numbers of count and capacity that we are using to calculate Utilisation

A region average is provided as a comparison point

Colours show your performance:

  • Bad (Red)

  • Poor (Amber)

  • Good (Green)


The highest and lowest tiles give a quick breakdown of all your sites or all Resident Occupiers at a specific site.

You can expand out the tile to see all Sites/Occupiers.

Ratios show you how we calculate the Utilisation and allow you to spot any errors in capacity.

The % change compared to the previous period. For example, if you have selected six months, it will compare to the previous six months.

When expanded, you get the complete list of occupiers or sites:

TIP - You can click on the Site or Occupier to quickly apply filters to the dashboard and drill down into the necessary information.


Utilisation trend shows how your site or estate is growing over time. You can see this metric at the portfolio, site, and occupier levels. This chart shows data weekly, with the date shown being the weekend.

The trend is shown in the daily total, peak, and average.

You can expand out to see things in more detail

You can click on the legend to hide or show any of the metrics

The left side Y axis shows the values in people count

The right side Y axis shows the values as a % of capacity. This will only show if Capacity data is available in the system.

Hover over the chart to see exact values.

Note - You will only see Peak utilisation when looking at the Site or Occupier level.


Utilisation by day allows you to understand how your users utilise the space throughout the working week. We average each weekday over the selected period and return the Daily Total, Peak and Average metrics.

You can expand out to see things in more detail

You can click on the legend to hide or show any of the metrics

The left side Y axis shows the values in people count

The right side Y axis shows the values as a % of capacity. This will only show if Capacity data is available in the system.

Hover over the chart to see exact values.

Note - You will only see Peak utilisation when looking at the Site or Occupier level.


Time on site tracks how long users of different types spend at your location. You can drill down by site and by occupier to understand how different users utilise the space.

You can expand out to see things in more detail

You can click on the legend to hide or show any of the metrics

Hover over the chart to see exact values


In the era of working from home, tracking which days are most utilised becomes critical to adequately planning and running your spaces. The usage-by-day trend allows you to track usage on particular weekdays over time.

We use Average Utilisation to show the daily trend. How do we calculate Average Utilisation?

You can expand out to see things in more detail

You can click on the legend to hide or show any of the metrics

The left side Y axis shows the values in people count

The right side Y axis shows the values as a % of capacity. This will only show if Capacity data is available in the system

Hover over the chart to see exact values


The Week Utilisation Heatmap allows you to see at a glance what the week looks like across your portfolio. You can drill down to the site or occupier level to better understand how individual occupiers use their office space.

All data is shown in local time, regardless of the site's time zone. We use average utilisation for our heat maps. How do we calculate Average Utilisation?

You can expand out to see things in more detail

Hover over the chart to see the values for a time slot

Hover over the scale to see the matching time slots

Drag the ends of the scale to show a specific range.


We categorise occupiers into groups based on their contracts in the essensys platform. How do we categorise occupier groups? This chart gives you a breakdown of the average levels of each occupier type. You can view this chart at the portfolio and site level. We use Average Utilisation to calculate these breakdowns. How do we calculate Average Utilisation?

Hover over a segment to see the value.

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