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Automatic Invoice Emailing Templates in essensys Operate

Changing Your Standard Invoice and Email Template for Automatic Emailing in essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 5 years ago

After performing a Bill Run, Operate automates your invoice issuing process by allowing you to email or print your invoices with just a few clicks, according to your customers’ preferences.

When emailing invoices using this feature, Operate uses standard, default template, both for the invoices and the email message accompanying it. You can set these default templates according to your own preferences.

Both the invoice and email standard templates can be configured by going to Settings > General > System > Operate Settings > Billing Settings. 

In this area, the sections that interest us for the purpose of configuring our invoice and email templates are: Templates and Invoice Email Message.

Under the Templates section, you can select the default templates for:

  • Invoice

  • Credit Note

  • Proforma

  • Statement

Simply select the desired template from the dropdown. You will be able to choose from all templates available in your system, that correspond to each type of document; regardless of whether they are default or custom.

To set up your default email message for automatic invoice emails, scroll down to Invoice Email Message.

First, choose a Subject for your message.

Next, enter the email body text.

To ensure that each customer receives a personalized email message, containing their particular invoice details, we recommend using the merge fields available above your subject line. These fields retrieve information from the system automatically and display it within your message according to each customer’s specific records. Select a field from the Merge Fields dropdown list, then copy the full generated text into the body of your message. The available merge fields are:

  • First Name - Displays the first name of the main contact within the customer’s company.

  • Invoice Number - Displays the invoice number.

  • Account Name - Displays the Account Name, registered within the system.

  • Invoice Date - Displays the invoice date.

  • Invoice Due Date - Displays the invoice due date.

  • Attention Of - To whom the invoice is being addressed.

  • Location Email - Displays the main email address of the location where the customer is registered

Below is an example of how you could incorporate these fields into a message

When you are happy with your templates, click Save to make sure your changes are kept.

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