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essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Secure Wi-Fi overview
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Secure Wi-Fi overview

How do I view a summary of connections to the Wi-Fi Secure network? | Users | Wi-Fi Secure | Occupier users, Account team members, Roaming |

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

View details of the users connecting or connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network at one of your sites.

The overview (shown by default) summarizes these connections using bar and pie charts that show:

  • The currently connected users.

  • The daily total connections.

  • The top 5 users by days online or time online.

  • The top 5 users by bandwidth usage.

Tip: To see the non-summarized version of the same data, click Detail from the Report type setting. For more information, see Secure Wi-Fi detail report.


  • Wi-Fi Secure is the network that your individual occupier users or operator team members use when connecting their private Wi-Fi enabled devices to the network. For more information, see Wi-Fi overview.

  • Users may each connect multiple devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network, but this report reflects the connections by user and not their individual device connections.

  • Users are account team members, occupier users at their Wi-Fi homesite, and roaming users (occupier users visiting sites other than their Wi-Fi homesite).

Report on Wi-Fi Secure connections

Access the report

All site reports are located in the Operations section of the essensys Platform. To open the correct section:

  1. In the main menu, click Operations.
    The Operations page opens. By default, Reports is selected from the overhead menu.

  2. Under Wi-Fi reports, click Secure Wi-Fi Overview.

The Secure Wi-Fi overview report opens. By default, the report shows details of users connecting to your Wi-Fi Secure network at one of your sites this week.

Filter the report

Use the settings to the right of the report:

  1. Use the Site selector to choose the site that you are interested in.

  2. From the Occupier/Operator list, select the occupiers or operators you want to include on your report:

    • Select All (default) to show all users connecting to Wi-Fi Secure at the selected site.
      Selecting this option selects all of the other options in the list.

    • Select Operator to show the operator team members connecting to Wi-Fi Secure.

    • Select <occupier name> to show the occupier users who belong to this specific occupier. Note: The selected site for these users is their Wi-Fi homesite.

    • Select Roaming users to show those occupier users who are connecting at a site other than their Wi-Fi homesite.

  3. If you want to see the Detail view of this report (rather than the summary view / overview), select Detail from the Report type options.
    For more information, see Secure Wi-Fi detail report.

  4. Select the period that you want your report to cover:

    1. Select Day, Week, or Month and then browse to the specific period in the calendar tool that opens.

    2. Optionally, select Exclude weekends to only report on the weekday connections in this period.

The report updates as you make your selections in the settings panel.

Secure Wi-Fi overview

Users connected now

The report shows users whose devices are currently connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

Note: This report is only shown where the selected time period includes the current time, and there is at least one user connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network at the selected site. Otherwise, the following message is displayed:




  • Total users (center)

  • Breakdown by occupier or operator (slices)

The central number is the total number of users that are currently connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network at the selected site.

The slices represent those same connections, broken down by occupier or operator:

  • Operator - The operator team members.

  • <occupier name> - The occupier users who: 1) belong to the named occupier 2) are connecting at their Wi-Fi homesite.

  • Roaming users - The occupier users who are connecting at this site despite it not being their Wi-Fi homesite.


  • Occupier / Operator

  • Number of users

  • Percentage

The table shows the same data as the donut chart.

  • The Occupier/Operator value may be:

    • Operator

    • <occupier name>

    • Roaming users

  • The number of users of the named type connecting at the selected site.

  • The proportion of all Wi-Fi Secure connections that those connections make up.


Hover your cursor over a slice to open a tool tip with more information.


Click either a slice or a value in the first column of the table to open the filtered Secure Wi-Fi detail report.

Note: If too much data is returned to display in the pop-up, see "too much detail" message.

Daily total users connected

The number of users that connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network at the selected site, in the selected period. The bars each represent the number of connections on a single day, and the report period dictates the number of days included along the X axis.




  • Number of users

  • Now

  • Average

For the selected site, this report shows:

  • The number of users that connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network on each day of the selected period (the current week, by default).

  • The number of users that are currently connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network.

  • The average number of users connected to the Wi-Fi Secure network over the reported period.
    Note: The average is the total number of online users, divided by the number of days in the period.

Hover (tool tip)

Each column represents the connections on a particular day.

Hover your cursor over the column to view a details tool tip summarizing the details on that day.

Inactive users: #

Opens a pop-up that lists those occupiers with inactive users.

Users are "inactive" if they have not accessed the Wi-Fi Secure network for 90 days preceding the start time of your report.

Note: This link is only shown if there are occupiers selected with one or more inactive users.

Top 5 reports

Each of these reports provides an "at a glance" view of the metrics for the users connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure network, with the five users with the highest consumption or longest time online shown in more detail.

Each panel uses a pie chart and basic table to summarize the following:

  • Top 5 Users By Days Online (above). Shows the users whose devices reported the most days online during the reported period.

  • Top 5 Users By Bandwidth. Shows the users whose devices reported the highest bandwidth usage over the reported period.

    Note: Includes bandwidth usage data for both downloads and uploads. May not include ongoing connections.

  • Top 5 Users By Time Online. Shows the users whose devices reported the most time online over the reported period.

Info: The pie charts show the top 5 users and "others". The "others" slice shows the data for all of those users whose connections are outside of the relevant top 5.



Pie chart

The pie chart graphically represents the percentage of the total value consumed by each of the top five users.

The slice "others" represents the proportion of the total consumed by users who are not in the top five.

> Hover slice

Hover over a slice in the pie chart to open a tool tip:

  • For a slice that represents one of the top 5 users, the tool tip contains the email address and relevant metric (days, MB, duration) for that user.

  • For the "others" slice, the tool tip contains "others" and the relevant metric (days, MB, duration) for all of the users that are not in the top 5.

> Click slice

Click either a slice, or the corresponding email address in the first column of the table, to open a pop-up:

  • Where the slice represents one of the top 5 users, the detail view is filtered by the selected email address.

  • For the "others" slice, the detail view is filtered only by the report settings (site selection and time period). It contains all details, including the details of the top 5 users.

For more information, see Secure Wi-Fi detail report.

Note: If too much data is returned to display in the pop-up, see "too much detail" message.

Email address

The Email address for the connected user.


The Occupier/Operator value may be:

  • Operator

  • <occupier name>

  • Roaming users


The final column indicates the value that the pie chart is reporting.

> Days

Top 5 Users By Days Online:

The Days field indicates how many days each user has been online during the reported period.

> MB

Top 5 Users By Bandwidth:

The MB field indicates the bandwidth usage for each user during the reported period.

> Duration (XXhXXmXXs)

Top 5 Users By Time Online:

The Duration field indicates how long each user has been online during the reported period.

Report settings (right)



Site Selector

Select a <site name> to report on the Wi-Fi Secure connections at that site.

Note: Whenever you change your selected site, you also reset the Occupier/Operator selection to All.


Select the operator or occupiers whose connections you want to include in the report. You can select one or more of:

  • All (default) - Show all users connecting to Wi-Fi Secure at the selected site.

  • Operator - Show the operator team members connecting to Wi-Fi Secure.

  • <occupier name> - Show the occupier users who 1) belong to this specific occupier and 2) are connecting at their Wi-Fi homesite.

  • Roaming users - Show the occupier users who are connecting at a site other than their Wi-Fi homesite.

Report type:

  • Overview (default)

  • Detail

The current view, including the pie charts, is the overview.

Click Detail to view the detailed version of this report. For more information, see Secure Wi-Fi detail report.


  • Day / Week / Month

  • <Selected period>

  • Exclude weekends

Use the Day / Week / Month buttons to open the calendar tool and select the date range for the report.

Use the Exclude weekends toggle to include or exclude weekends from the report.

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