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Client Types in essensys Operate

Managing Client Types in Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 5 years ago

Client types classify your customers into different categories which make it easier for you to know what kind of relationship your business has with each particular customer.

The Client types are a critical component of the Operate system; as they represent the link between your organization and your locations. 

You will first set up your client types at the Organization level; then each of your locations will be assigned specific client types. The organisation which your location sits under is dependent on the organisation of the client types you have assigned to the location. Read More about Assigning Client Types to a Location.

You will also use client types when setting up customer accounts - this helps Operate identify how you bill each type of customer you add.

Operate comes pre-configured with four client types:

  1. Residential - A client who is renting space on a long term.

  2. Meeting Room Client - Is a client who rents meeting room space, on a short term.

  3. Virtual - A client who only requires virtual services from your company, without renting actual space.

  4. Club Member - A client who might rent on a longer term, but does not have a fixed space assigned (e.g.: coworking space customers).

You will find and edit all of these client types under Settings > General > Organizations > Client Types. (Use the pencil icon to edit a client type) Here is where you can also add your own client types, using the New button at the top of the list.

When you add or edit a client type, you will be presented with the client type details page, where you can set up the following:

  • The Client Type Name - Which will be displayed within the system whenever you need to select the client type for your locations; customer accounts; etc.

  • Charge External Rates for Reservations - External rates are higher and apply to customers who do not rent your spaces on a long term.

  • The Organization to which you are associating the type of client.

  • The Prefix that you’d like to use when invoicing this type of client.

  • Choose whether to Use an Invoice Prefix.

  • Add an Invoice Free Text Title - This will be displayed on the invoices you issue for any client that is included within this type.

  • Choose whether this is a Residential Client, renting space  a long term.

  • Choose whether this is a Virtual Client; who only requires virtual services, without renting space (e.g.: a customer who only requires a virtual address and phone number).

  • Select whether this client type Requires a Credit Card  for Web Reservations.

  • Add a GL Code Extension if needed.  

Once you have configured all of these details, click Save to make your client type available within the system. You will now be able to select it when adding locations; creating customer accounts or adding licences.

Updating Client Types

To edit an existing client type, click the pencil icon next to it. To delete it, click the red “x” sign or tick the box to select one or more types and click Delete, at the top of the list.

If you would like to update a field in multiple client type records, simply select each record using the checkbox, then click Update, at the top of the list. You will see a list of fields which you can choose to update. Your changes will be applied to all of the records you selected.

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