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Enterprise Reporting - Services

Enterprise | Service Analytics | Site by Site Reporting

Che Ashwell avatar
Written by Che Ashwell
Updated over a week ago

Connect offers advanced Services reporting capabilities consisting of 4 reports that give you excellent visibility of data across your entire workspace portfolio.

These reports give you the ability to make important data driven business decisions across multiple sites based on information about your Services.

Enterprise Reporting gives Operators access to insights across their business to identify up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, tailor compelling propositions, and improve both service performance and member experience based on actual usage trends and data.

This article covers:

  • Active Services

  • Services History

  • Recent Services

  • Calling Destinations

Active Services

All active items from your Pricebook

A list of all active items from your Pricebook enabling you to track quantity of active services across your sites.

You will see a list of your active services.  This report displays:

  • Services - Name of the service in your pricebook

  • Quantity - Number of active services with that description

  • Cost Price - Contractual cost price

  • Sale Price - Pricebook sale price 

  • Margin - Overall Margin

You can filter the report by:

  • All Sites

  • One or more selected sites.

This report can be exported in CSV format in either the Full Service Report or Summary as shown on screen.

Services History

Displays total quantities of services over time

This section allows you to track the maximum quantity of each Pricebook item over the last 6 months in a graphical format.

When you select this report you will be presented with a blank graph with a 6-month timeline and your Services which can be selected to show volume of services over the last 6 months.

You can filter the report by:

  • All Sites

  • One or more selected sites.

The graph can be exported if required.

Recent Services

Recently added or changed services

This report shows any changes to services and allows simple visibility of service trends.

When you select this report you will see any changes to your clients services for all sites in the current week.

This report displays:

  • Service - Name of the service in your pricebook

  • Client - The name displayed in your client list on Connect

  • Date - The date the change was made

  • State - Whether the services was activated or removed

  • Quantity Change - Volume of services changing state

  • Current Quantity - Total active services

You can filter the report by:

  • All Sites

  • One selected site

  • By timeline - Day, Week, Month or Custom date selection

The data table can be exported in CSV format.

Calling Destinations

This shows the most popular calling destinations across your sites allowing you to optimise your costs and revenue.

This report will show you the top 7 calling destinations in the current week over all of your sites.

You can filter the report by:

  • Site

  • Individual client

  • By timeline - Day, Week, Month or Custom date selection

  • Locality - All or International only

  • Rate Group - Count of calls or Duration

  • View Type - Chart or Tabular view

The data can be exported as an image or CSV file as required.

If you want to see more information about our Wi-Fi Enterprise Reporting please click here

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