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Desks in essensys Operate

Adding Desks as Product Records to Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

If you rent coworking space, Operate makes it easy for you to add each desk you’re renting, within the system, so you can then conveniently bill for it as well.

You can add a desk by going to Space > Products, in the top navigation menu. Click Get Started if there is no product in your system, or New if there is.

Add General Information

  • Name your product.

  • Select the Product Group to which the product belongs. In our example, this will be Coworking Space.

  • Select the Location where you are renting the desk.

  • Add Reference Text if needed.

  • Enter the Floor.

  • Add a GL Code if needed.

  • Enter an Online Alias - This can be the same as the product name.

  • Add a Start and End Date that will determine the period within which you want to make the desk available

  • Check the Discontinued box if/when the product is no longer available. 

  • Select a Retainer Product.

  • Add the Tax Rate that is applicable to your desk product.

Add Rates

  1. Use the button above the rate fields to toggle between basic and advanced rates.

  2. Enter an hourly rate, as well as half-daily and daily rates. Half Day and Daily rates are optional and may be discounted compared to the standard hourly rate. 

  3. Add rates that correspond to residential clients - internal rates - as well as to non-residential clients - external rates.

  4. Set the timing corresponding to your rates:

  5.      Mins - Here is where you can change how much an hour lasts / how many minutes your hourly rate includes.

  6.      Lowest - Lets you set the lower time limit under which you would charge the rate to which the value corresponds.

  7.      Highest - The upper time limit, which if reached, would determine  the client to be charged the next rate.

For example, if a customer spends 3h20min in your space, you can set this as a Lowest value under the hourly rate and only charge the customer for 3h, at the hourly price. If the customer spends 3h30 mins in your space, then they would be charged for 4 h, applying the four-hour rate.  

Add Availability Information 

Simply select a location on the left and click the right side arrow to make the product available at that particular location. Click the double arrows to move all listed locations to the right side panel and make the product available in all of them.

Add Additional Information

Tick the box of the options that you would like to enable:

  1. Can be Zero Price - Check to allow adding your product to customer invoices, even if the price is zero. If this checkbox is unchecked, you will not be allowed to add the product to invoices if it is zero-priced.

  2. Product Can Be Bundled allows you to sell this product in a bundle package with other products.

  3. Can Book On Portal allows the product to be booked directly on your website if you set that up.

  4. Hide From Point of Sale is great to use for products that you are never selling through the Point of Sale feature, which you would generally use for auxiliary products such as food and drinks. Office space fits into this category.

Save your desk when you are ready.

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