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Virtual Services in essensys Operate

Adding Virtual Services to essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

You can add virtual services to Operate when you have clients who do not require physical space at your location, but only services such as a virtual address and phone number.

You can set up such as service by going to Space > Products. Click New to create a new product, then select Virtual Services.

Add General Information

  • Name your service.

  • Enter an Online Alias - This can be the same as the name.

  • Select the Product Group to which the service belongs. In our example, this will be Virtual Office.

  • Select the Location where you are providing the service.

  • Add Reference Text if needed.

  • Use the Description box to add details about your service.

  • Upload a Picture.

  • Add a Start and End Date between which you want to make this service available.

  • Check the Discontinued box if/when the product is no longer available. 

Add Availability Information

  • Simply select a location on the left and click the right side arrow to make the service available at that particular location. Click the double arrows to move all listed locations to the right side panel and make the product available in all of them.

Tick Additional Options

None of these options are enabled by default.

  • Can be Zero Price - Check to allow adding your product to customer invoices, even if the price is zero. If this checkbox is unchecked, you will not be allowed to add the product to invoices if it is zero-priced.

  • Can Book On Portal allows the product to be booked directly on your website if you set that up.

  • Product Can Be Bundled allows you to sell this product in a bundle package with other products.

  • Recurring Service - Check this option if the product is a recurring service.

  • Retainer - Enable this if your product represents a deposit/retainer that customers need to provide when renting space.

  • Check SMS Item if this is the case

  • Check Metered Charge if the product you’re creating will be used to charge customers based on metered usage (i.e: electricity).  

If you cannot see any of the fields discussed above, you can add it by customizing the page layout.

When you are ready, click Save  to complete your setup.

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