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Operate - Custom Field Types and How to Set Them Up

A guide to Configuring different Custom Field Types in essensys Operate

JEFF essensys AI Bot avatar
Written by JEFF essensys AI Bot
Updated over a year ago


When customizing fields within Operate, there are several types of fields available to choose from. In this guide, we will look at how to set up each type of field.

When you add a new custom field to a record you should always log in and log out again to ensure that the change is reflected in any templates.

You will find all of these field type options under Settings > Customize; then by choosing the section for which you want to add a custom field and selecting Custom Fields.

Each type of field provides its own options; though the same options may be used for several types of field.

These specific field options are part of Step 2 of the custom field setup.

The major types of fields are:

  1. Checkbox

  2. Currency

  3. Text and Number Based Fields

  4. Maps/HTML

  5. Picklist / Dropdown


1. Checkbox

- Allows users to select a True (checked) or False (unchecked) value.

  • Enter a label that will be displayed within the field.

  • Tick or untick the checkbox to set the default value - This means that the checkbox will be ticked or unticked by default when being displayed to a user.

  • Enter a Field Name - This will be used internally,for example when using Merge Fields.

  • Add a Description that will be displayed within the system along with the checkbox.

  • Add Help Text that will be displayed within the system as a hint on how to use the field.

2. Currency

This field type allows users to enter a currency amount and automatically formats the field as a currency amount. This can be useful if you export data to Excel or another spreadsheet.

  • Enter a Label that will be displayed within the field.

  • Add the character Length to which you want to restrict the field - The value should be between 1 and 20.

  • Add the number of Decimal Places that you want to allow.

  • Enter a Field Name - This will be used internally,for example when using Merge Fields.

  • Add a Description that will be displayed within the system along with the field.

  • Add Help Text that will be displayed within the system as a hint on how to use the field.

  • Check the checkbox if you would like to make the field Required.

  • Set this field as the unique identifier from an external system, if it is the case.

  • Enter a Default Value for the field - this will be displayed to the user.

3. Text & Number Based Fields

Date - Allows users to enter a date or pick a date from a popup calendar.

Date/Time - Allows users to enter a date and time, or pick a date from a popup calendar. When users click a date in the popup, that date and the current time are entered into the Date/Time field.

Phone - Allows users to enter any phone number. Automatically formats it as a phone number.

Mobile/Cell - Allows users to enter any mobile/cell number. Automatically formats it as a mobile/cell number.

Text Area - Allows users to enter up to 255 characters on separate lines.

Text Area (Encrypted) - Allows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers and store them in encrypted form.

Text Area (Long) - Allows users to enter up to 4,000 characters on separate lines. This field cannot be made a required field.

Percent - Allows users to enter a percentage number, for example, '10' and automatically adds the percent sign to the number.

URL - Allows users to enter any valid website address. When users click on the field, the URL will open in a separate browser window.

All of the above fields are set up as follows:

  • Enter a label that will be displayed within the field.

  • Enter a Field Name - This will be used internally,for example when using Merge Fields.

  • Add a Description that will be displayed within the system along with the checkbox.

  • Add Help Text that will be displayed within the system as a hint on how to use the field.

  • Check the checkbox if you would like to make the field Required

  • Enter a Default Value for the field - this will be displayed to the user. Here is a good place where you can add the date format you require (e.g.: dd/mm/yyyy).

Email - Allows users to enter an email address, which is validated to ensure proper format. If this field is specified for a contact or lead, users can choose the address when clicking Send an Email. Note that custom email addresses cannot be used for mass emails.

Text - Allows users to enter any combination of letters and numbers

The email and text fields have the following options:

  • Enter a Label that will be displayed within the field.

  • Enter a Field Name - This will be used internally,for example when using Merge Fields.

  • Add a Description that will be displayed within the system along with the checkbox.

  • Add Help Text that will be displayed within the system as a hint on how to use the field.

  • Check the checkbox if you would like to make the field Required.

  • Set this field as the unique identifier from an external system if it is the case.

  • Enter a Default Value for the field - this will be displayed to the user. Here is a good place where you can add the date format you require.

Number - Allows users to enter any number. Leading zeros are removed.

  • Enter a label that will be displayed within the field.

  • Add the character length to which you want to restrict the field - The value should be between 1 and 20.

  • Add the number of decimal places that you want to allow.

  • Enter a Field Name - This will be used internally,for example when using Merge Fields.

  • Add a Description that will be displayed within the system along with the checkbox.

  • Add Help Text that will be displayed within the system as a hint on how to use the field.

  • Check the checkbox if you would like to make the field Required.

  • Set this field as the unique identifier from an external system, if it is the case.

  • Enter a Default Value for the field - this will be displayed to the user.

4. Maps/HTML Fields

Google Maps - Allows users to set the location of something using the google map functions

and HTML Editor - Allows users to edit text using an html editor

Both types of fields come with the following options:

  • Enter a Label that will be displayed within the field.

  • Enter a Field Name - This will be used internally,for example when using Merge Fields.

  • Add a Description that will be displayed within the system along with the checkbox.

  • Add Help Text that will be displayed within the system as a hint on how to use the field.

5. Picklist/Dropdown Fields

Picklist - Allows users to select a value from a list you define.

Picklist (Multi-Select) - Allows users to select multiple values from a list you define.

  • Enter a field label - This is the field label text that will be displayed within the system.

  • Picklist values - These are the values that will be displayed within your picklist and which you will be able to choose from.

  • Sort values alphabetically, not in the order entered. Values will be displayed alphabetically everywhere, by checking the checkbox.

  • Use the first value as default value - also by checking the checkbox next to the option.

  • Add a Field Name - This field name will be used in the back end of the system; for instance as a way to retrieve the information using merge fields.

  • Enter a description that will show up as a field description within Operate.

  • Enter a Help Text - This is a text that is being displayed as a hint on how to use the field.

  • Check the checkbox if you would like to make the field Required.

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