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essensys Platform - Branding - Guest Wi-Fi branding

How do I brand the Guest Wi-Fi sign in experience for users at a site? | Guest Wi-Fi | Branding | Customize |

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

Guest Wi-Fi Branding allows you to customize the splash screen that your users are redirected to in order to connect to the Guest Wi-Fi network at one of your sites. You can:

Customizing your Guest Wi-Fi splash screen

Accessing the Guest Wi-Fi Branding pages

  1. From the left-hand navigation, click Branding.

  2. Click the Guest Wi-Fi tab.
    On this page, you will see details of any Guest Wi-Fi templates that are available at present.

Create a New Guest Wi-Fi template

To access the New Template page from the Guest Wi-Fi page:

  • If there are no existing templates, the Guest Wi-Fi page displays ‘It is lonely here’. Click the 'Create a new template' link.

  • If there are existing templates in the Guest Wi-Fi page, and you want to create a new template that is based on an existing template, click Clone.

  • If you want to create a completely new template, click New Template at the top-right of the page.

Selecting any of these options opens the multi-step theme builder that is used to build a Guest Wi-Fi template. If you selected to Clone an existing template, the theme builder is populated with all the same selections as the template it is cloned from.

On the Template details page, specify the following details:



Template name


Default template

If you toggle this setting on, this new template will be used as a default if no other templates are being used.


  • To use the logo that you associated with a previously created Branded Theme, select the Use <logo name> from my branded theme check box.
    Note: This option is only available if the logo for your branded theme is in a supported format.

  • To use a new logo, drag and drop or browse to your file. The image file should fulfil the following requirements:

    • Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, or PNG.

    • Maximum file size: 2MB.

Tip: If you upload an image in error or wish to change your selections, you can click Remove file and upload an alternative file.

Click Next to continue. The Imagery page for the Desktop splash screen opens.

Use this page to customize the following images for the Desktop splash screen:



Background image

  • Shown behind the sign in form.


Image criteria:

  • Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, or PNG.

  • Maximum file size: 2MB.

  • Recommended aspect ratio: 1920 x 1080.

Marketing image

  • Shown to the right of the sign in form.


This image is typically used for marketing purposes. You could use it to tell your users what to do, or what they get when they sign in to the Guest Wi-Fi network. For example, what data they need to supply, if they will be charged to use the network, and so on.

Image criteria:

  • Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, or PNG.

  • Maximum file size: 2MB.

  • Recommended aspect ratio: 450 x 780.

Once you are happy with the images provided, click Next to continue. The Imagery page for the Mobile splash screen opens:

Use this page to customize the following images for the Mobile splash screen:



Background image

  • Shown behind the sign in form.

Note: This has the same purpose as the Desktop Background image, but has a different recommended aspect ratio.

  • Recommended aspect ratio: 405 x 991.

Marketing image

  • Shown below the sign in form.

Note: This has the same purpose as the Desktop Marketing image, but is positioned below the fields and has a different recommended aspect ratio.

  • Recommended aspect ratio: 300 x 300.

Once you are happy with the preview on the right, click Next. The Form fields page opens:

At the top of the Form fields page, you can select which input fields you want the user to complete when they connect:

  • Click the tick to select a field, including it on the splash screen.

  • Use the mandatory toggle to mark a selected field as mandatory on the splash screen.

At the bottom of the Form fields page, you can upload a terms and conditions and a privacy policy document. By default, there are essensys branded versions of these documents, but you should replace these with your own documents that meet the following requirements:

  • Supported format: PDF only.

  • Maximum file size: 10MB.

Once the fields have been selected, and the documents uploaded, you can continue by clicking Next. Another Form fields page opens.

This step allows the following customizations:



Marketing opt in

Toggle On/Off

Button Text

The text that appears on the button that your guest user will need to click to sign in.

Social Sign in

Use social media sign in for Guest Wi-Fi.
Note: Selecting Social sign in means that users will not enter a password when signing in.
The following social media platforms are supported:

  • Facebook.

  • Google.

Redirection URL

This URL indicates where the user should be taken once they have signed in to Guest Wi-Fi:

  • If this field is left empty, the user is taken to the URL that they were attempting to access when the Guest Wi-Fi splash screen opened.

  • If a Redirection URL is added here, the user is taken to that URL instead of the page they were connecting to.

The Redirection URL must be a valid URL with an http:// or https:// prefix.

Valid example:

Once these details have been captured, the user continues by selecting Next.

The final step of the template editor is Colors. This is where you can customize the colors by entering a hex value or selecting from the color picker provided.

Once all steps are completed, you can:

  • Navigate Back to review your inputs.

  • Click Cancel to cancel the journey completely and discard your changes.

  • Click Save to save all of your selections.

Once you have saved your selections, the template is created and added to the Guest Wi-Fi page. It is not used until it is applied to a site.

Apply a Guest Wi-Fi template to a Site

Once you have a Guest Wi-Fi template, you can apply it to the sites for which it is appropriate.

From the Guest Wi-Fi Branding home page, locate the template that you want to assign, and click the Arrow icon (Apply to Sites).

The Apply template to sites dialogue box opens. Search for the appropriate sites, and click the tick icon to select sites.

Note: The preceding screen shot shows the results of a search for site names including HQ, and the selection of Europe HQ as the site where the splash screen should be as defined in the template called 'new template'.

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