You can customize the Accounts Module within your Operate system by going to Settings > Customize > Accounts Receivable.
Here is where you can manage Accounts Receivable Payment Types; as well as Credit Card Options.
Customizing Accounts Receivable Payment Types
To customize payment types, select Accounts Receivable Payment Types. Here is where you will find a list of pre-existing payment types; which you can edit, and where you can add new ones.
The following payment types are pre-configured within Operate:
Bank Transfer
Credit Card
Standing Order
Direct Debit
Retainer Return
Opening Balance
Click New, at the top of the list to create a new payment type. Click Save to complete adding your payment method.
Use the Pencil icon next to each payment type to edit it or the red “x” to delete it.
Use the Export button to download the list in .csv format for use with external applications.
Customizing Credit Card Options
To customize your Credit Card Options, select the corresponding section under Settings > Customize > Accounts Receivable.
The predefined credit cards are:
Visa Electron
Visa Delta
Click New, at the top of the list to create a new payment type.
Use the Pencil icon next to each payment type to edit it or the red “x” to delete it.
Use the Export button to download the list in .csv format for use with external applications.