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Operate - Transferring a Licence

A General Licence Transfer Process in essensys Operate

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a week ago

The Transfer Licence feature is to be used for all moves and changes other than a straight renewal. The function will transfer the old licence and create a new and activated licence.

Once a customer has decided that they will be making changes to their service and you have agreed to the changes, you will need to create a new licence and end the current licence. This is done by transferring.

Firstly find the licence that you want to transfer by going to Member > Licences, Select the relevant licence you want to transfer and the licence screen will open. Click Transfer.

You will then be presented with a box which will ask you to select the date that you want to start the new licence; the reason for transfer and movement type. Enter the date, reason and movement type, then click OK. (The reasons can be edited in Settings > General > Customize > Licences > Movement Types > New

On clicking ok the new licence agreement screen will open. You will need to change the following fields, according to the type of transfer you’re doing:

  • Opportunity Type

  • Lead Source

  • End Date if necessary

The old licence will remain in place until the new one has been activated. The old licence will show as Transferring and will continue billing until the new licence is activated. The new Licence will be a Draft and will display both its own Licence No, as well as the one of the original licence.

The start date will be the one you have entered into the Transfer Date field The end date will be the same end date as the original Licence.

All products from the original Licence will be on the new one – delete what you no longer need and add the new offices/services.

Once you have the signed licence and where appropriate payment, Activate the licence and the new invoice or credit note will be produced; if you have checked the invoiced boxes on any offices/services within the new Licence. After activating the new Licence, the status of the original one will change to Transferred.

Managing Deposits/Retainers

If the new Licence requires no change regarding the customer’s deposit/retainer, enter 0 in the additional deposit field.

If the new Licence requires an additional deposit/retainer/, enter in the difference between the new retainer amount, and what is already held on the customer account – this amount will be billed on the next invoice.

If the new Licence is a downgrade and requires a deposit/retainer refund, enter 0 in the additional deposit field and follow the steps for refunding a deposit/retainer once you have transferred the Licence.

Issuing Credits for Pre-billed Rental/Service periods from the Original Licence

Transferring a Licence does not automate any credits for any pre-billed rental/service periods. If a credit is required, you can either add as a line item to the draft invoice that will be generated upon activation of the transferred license (only if your system settings allow credits on invoices), or create a separate credit note for the account.

Types of Licence Transfers

NOTE: Please keep in mind that all of these transfer types are taking place on the new customer licence, after you have finalized the transfer process described above.

The Customer Moves Office - Either Upgrades or Downgrades

When the client moves office, you need to delete the old office from under the Office Schedule section, using the delete button; then to add the new office.

Fee Reduction

If you reduce the fees for the customer, then you will need to edit the service for which you’re providing the discount, then change the monthly pricing for the applicable months.

For offices, check that the deposit is ”0”.

A Virtual Customer Becomes a Tenant / Resident

To transfer a customer from virtual to resident, delete the virtual services from the newly created licence after transfer, then add an Office and as needed, any contract services.

A Residential Customer Becomes Virtual

The process is the reverse of the above: remove any office and add virtual services instead.

A Virtual Customer Upgrades or Downgrades their Service

In such a situation, your customer may want to change the type of virtual service they are receiving - e.g.: add or remove a virtual office. If the service changes altogether, delete it from the Virtual Service Schedule and add the new one. If a new service is needed, just add it to the schedule. If the service remains the same, but some of the terms are changing - e.g.: the customer requires two virtual offices instead of one - then edit the existing service and change the needed parameter - in our example, the quantity; for instance.

The Customer Upgrades or Downgrades Contract Services

As for other types of transfers, delete the service if it is changed altogether, then add a new one.

If some of the terms are changing - for example if you want to provide a discount - then edit the existing service and make the required changes - e.g. in pricing.

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