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Converting a Lead in essensys Operate

Convert an essensys Operate Lead into an Account and/or an Opportunity

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over 6 years ago

Once you have qualified a lead as a prospect, you will need to convert it to a prospect account to progress it through the sales funnel. 

You have the option to create an opportunity at the same time.

To convert a lead:

  • Go to Sales > Leads and find your lead (using the Filter box). You can also look for it in the global Search next to the Operate logo.

  • Click on the company name to access your lead details page.

  • Click Convert/Accept, on the right side of your screen, underneath the

  • Save and Cancel buttons.   

  • Now choose what you want to convert the lead to:

  • Set the Record Owner for the new account

  • You can create a new account, or add the lead to any existing account by selecting it from the picklist.

  • Choose the Record type for the Account (e.g. Prospect, Customer)

  • Check the box to Send an Email to the Owner of the record so that they know there is a new prospect account assigned to them.

  • Set the Opportunity Name and the Stage

  • Set the Opportunity Record Type - this is the type of service and space that the prospect requires (e.g.: an office, meeting space).

  • If you just want to create an account with no opportunity, check the Do not create a new opportunity upon conversion box to remove the options and only the account will be created (or the lead will be added to an existing account depending on your choice)

  • You can also create a task upon conversion, leave the box checked for create task (uncheck if you do not want to do this) and fill out the task details.

  • Click Convert/Accept to complete the action.     

  • Regardless of your selected conversion options, your original lead record will not be removed. It will remain in the system marked as Converted/Accepted. The original lead records will transfer all the Activity History, Open Tasks, Contacts, Notes and Attachments to the account and the opportunity records. The lead will not retain any of these on the Related Lists.          

Depending on what you have chosen to do, you will now have a combination of the following records:

Converting to a new account, new opportunity and a task:

  • A new account

  • A new opportunity

  • The original lead

  • A task

Converting to a new account, no opportunity and no task:

  • A new account

  • The original lead

Converting to an existing account, new opportunity and a task:

  • A new opportunity

  • The original lead

  • A task

Converting to an existing account, no opportunity and a task:

  • The original lead

  • A task

NOTE: The original lead records will transfer all the Activity History, Open Tasks, Contacts, Notes and Attachments to the account and the opportunity records. The lead will not retain any of these on the Related Lists. 

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