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essensys Platform - Manage services
essensys Platform - Manage services

How do I add and manage services for my occupier? | Voice and Internet | Call features | Tariff | Service Level | Bandwidth | Public IP |

Stuart avatar
Written by Stuart
Updated over a year ago

Provide services to an occupier at a site. Adding a service for an occupier typically entitles them to use infrastructure devices on their network (phones, laptops, printers, and so on) to consume the services provided (internet, voice, and so on).

For example, if an occupier wants to use telephony at this site, they need the appropriate voice services to enable telephony (to enable them to connect a handset to the network), and to set their service level, tariffs, call features, and so on.

Note: You will need to associate any new service with a contract. If the contract begins in the future, its start date specifies when the service and its associated charges begin.

Managing Occupier Services

Before you begin

Accessing the Occupier's Services page

  1. In the left-hand menu, click Occupiers.

  2. Select the occupier you are interested in.

  3. Select the Site that you want to add services at.

  4. Click the Services tab to view the services associated with the Occupier at the selected site.

The Occupier Services page opens, showing the Products/Services for the selected site. If no service has been added yet, you will see an 'It is empty here' message.

Add or Manage Services

Voice only: Adding voice services for the first time for this occupier at this site, allocates and activates phone numbers automatically. For more information, see Understanding voice services.

  1. Click Add services or Manage services.
    The relevant dialog box opens. The services that you can assign to this occupier are shown in the Available services list.

  2. Search for the service that you want to assign.

  3. Click the arrow to the right of the service name to select it.

    Tip: Hover over the service name in the Available services list to open a tool tip that describes the service.
    Info: Services may be 1) dependent on other services, 2) mutually exclusive, or 3) may be limited to a particular quantity (for example, you can only have one Public IP service). The essensys Platform enforces these rules, preventing you from assigning invalid service sets.

  4. For each service added:

    1. Select the Contract that you want the service to be charged against.

      Note: If there is only one contract, it will be selected automatically.

    2. Specify a Price for the service, per unit. This is the monthly price that the occupier will be charged.
      Important: If the value in the COST field is 0.00, you should check what this means in the PRICE description below (see Add Services).

    3. Specify the QTY of this service. That is, the number of instances of this service.
      Note: When adding services, the Provisioned infrastructure field updates to indicate how many devices will be needed based on the services being added. For more information, see Provisioned infrastructure.

    4. Optionally, check your Total price.
      The charge for your service is calculated from the Price * Quantity, and is the amount that the occupier will pay each month for their services.

  5. Click Add services.

What next?

If your assigned services require Ethernet connected infrastructure devices (for example, telephony or public IP devices), you need to:

  1. Assign floor ports.
    This includes selecting the appropriate switch port role for the port used by the device, if it is not already correctly configured.

  2. Connect devices to the correct floor ports.

  3. Activate and configure the connected devices in essensys Platform and, if necessary, log in to the device itself.

If your services enable wireless services, your wireless access port will already be connected. You may need to connect any devices to the appropriate wireless network. For more information, see Wi-Fi overview.

Manage services

  • If you are upgrading an occupier's internet service, for example, to increase their bandwidth speed, you should assign the new (upgraded) internet service and only remove their old service once the new service is activated.

  • If you are adding an IVR service you will also need to raise a case with details of the IVR configuration. For more information, see IVR.

  • If you are adding a Conference Bridge service, you will also need to raise a case with details of the conference bridge number and user details. For more information, see Conference bridge.

Service details

Page controls (header)

Use the drop-down lists at the top-right to show and hide services based on their status and the status or name of the associated contract.



Contract filter

Drop-down used to filter the visible services by the status of their associated contract:

  • All contracts (default)

  • Active - Shows only those services linked to contracts that are currently active.

  • Active and Scheduled - Shows services linked to contracts that are currently active or that have a future change scheduled.

  • Inactive - Shows services linked to contracts that are currently inactive. Note: Occupiers continue to receive services despite their contracts being inactive.

  • Scheduled - Shows services linked to contracts that have a future change scheduled.

Service filter

Drop-down used to filter the visible services by their status:

  • All services (default)

  • Active

  • Inactive - Inactive Services are those that were previously provisioned.

  • Scheduled - Services that have a future change scheduled.

  • Add services

  • Manage services

Where there are existing services for the occupier, the option in the top-right is Manage services.

Where there are no existing services, the option is Add services.

Service details / Add services / Manage services

The following fields are available in the Service details view, and in the Manage services and Add services dialog boxes. These dialog boxes allow you to add, edit, or amend the occupier's services.

Tip: The fields in Bold are present only on the dialog boxes.



Available services

The left hand panel shows all of the services that can be provisioned for the occupier at the selected site.

  • Hover over each service in this list to view its description.

  • Click the Arrow to add the service for this occupier.


The name and description of the service that the row represents.


The contract that the service should be charged against.

Start date

The start date is populated automatically from the contract. This value cannot be overridden.


  • If the start date is in the future, the service starts, and charges are created, once the start date is reached.

  • If the start date is in the past, the service will actually start and charges are created once the service is activated and not from this start date. This date is actually the contract start date.


The cost that the operator pays essensys for the service.

Note: When the value in the COST field is 0.00, pricing may be on a different pricing model. For details, see Price (below).


The Recommended Retail Price when purchased by the occupier.

The essensys recommended price.


The amount the operator is actually charging the occupier for the service, per month and per unit (QTY).

Important: Where the COST price is 0.00, this Price may be charged in addition to other charges associated with contracted service usage. This may mean either of the following:

  • The service cost is free of charge.

  • For voice or bandwidth services, costs are calculated based on contracted allocations, allowances, and usage, rather than this value.

Refer to the Billing Usage Report for details of allocations, allowances, and usage charges at your site.


The quantity of this service the occupier uses monthly.


The total price the occupier is charged for the use of this service.

The charge is calculated from the Price * Quantity, and is the amount that the occupier will pay each month.

X (Remove)

It’s possible to remove the service by clicking X.

Note: You may need to deactivate devices used by the service before you can remove or reduce the quantity of services in this view.

Provisioned infrastructure

The Provisioned infrastructure row describes the five infrastructure device types that are required to consume services. In each case there is a fraction (X/Y) that describes:

  • The number of infrastructure devices of each type that are currently in use. For example, the number of phone numbers that are currently activated for this occupier.

  • The number of infrastructure devices that are or will be allocated to the occupier. For example, how many switch ports you need for the occupier's selected services.

Example: If your occupier has no services, and you add one Public IP service and one internet service (LAN only), Switch ports will show the value 0/3. This indicates that, out of the three allocated switch ports (2 to enable Public IP and one the internet device), zero are currently in use.
Note: The devices need to be connected and activated to update the numerator.


  • You are not able to activate devices exceeding the allocation number (denominator) shown in this service view. In order to use more devices, you need to assign more services, either by adding services or increasing the service quantity.

  • If you want to reduce the service quantity or remove services, you may need to deactivate the infrastructure (for example, phone numbers) used by the service first. This is because the service is currently being consumed on the activated device.

Example: If you previously activated a phone number for an occupier, and you try to remove their voice service without deactivating the number, the provisioned infrastructure may appear as follows (see Telephony extension 1/0):

The number of phone numbers that are currently active for the occupier (1) is greater than the number of voice services after your changes (0). This cannot be valid, because you need a voice service for a device to be active. Because you cannot make this change, the Save button is disabled.

Tip: In order to remove this occupier's voice service, you need to first deactivate at least one of their phone numbers in the Occupiers > Telephony page, and then return to this page and remove the voice service.

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