All Collections
essensys Platform - DashboardHow do I view the dashboard? | Occupancy | Wi-Fi usage | Top performing services | Network | Bandwidth usage | Analytics | Open cases
essensys Platform - Occupier managementHow do I create and manage occupier details? | Tenant | Occupier | Contracts | Services | Users | Wi-Fi | Call charges | Telephony
essensys Platform - Network managementHow is Network Infrastructure modeled to enable service provisioning? | Switch | Switch ports | Floor ports | Network | Site Telephony |
essensys Platform - Network management - Wi-Fi OverviewHow do I decide which Wi-Fi Network suits the connecting device? | Wi-Fi Secure, Wi-Fi Guest, Wi-Fi Device, and Wi-Fi MAC | Concept
essensys Platform - Network management - Manage switchesHow do I manage the switches that are modeled in the essensys Platform? | Network infra | Slot | Rack | Switch Port | List
essensys Platform - Network management - Manage Floor PortsHow do I view and make changes to the Floor Ports in each Space? | Patch Ports | Floor Ports | Internet and Voice services | Telephony
essensys Platform - Space managementWhat is Space Management in the essensys Platform? | Digital Twin | Sites, Floors, and Spaces | First Steps
essensys Platform - Space management - Manage siteHow do I view and manage details of a site or sites? | Digital Twin | Create Site | Manage Site
essensys Platform - Space management - Manage site - Key contactsHow do I manage contact details for emergency and routine notifications? | Site key contact | Maintenance contact
essensys Platform - Space management - Create floorsHow do I model each of the floors at my Site? | Floor | Digital twin | Space management
essensys Platform - Space management - Create spacesHow do I add one or more spaces to my floor? | Digital twin | Offices | Utility areas | Desks | Meeting Rooms
essensys Platform - Space management - Configure spacesHow do I configure a space? | Office | Meeting Room | Desk | Space management | Digital twin | Pricing | Space tags | Image
essensys Platform - Space management - Configuration - Manage space tagsHow do I describe the amenities in my spaces? / How do I create space tags? | Amenities | Equipment | Configuration | Space configuration
essensys Platform - Space management - Export site occupanciesHow do I report on the occupancies at a given site? | CSV | Export | Leases and Occupiers
essensys Platform - TelephonyHow do I manage telephony? | Telephony | Allocate / Assign phone numbers | Provision / Activate service | Main number
essensys Platform - Telephony - Site numbersHow do I view provisioned phone numbers at a site? | Manage site telephony | Nominate as main | Allocate / Reserve | Activate
essensys Platform - Telephony - Main number detailsHow should I configure a main number? | Allocated Main Number | Occupier or Operator | Call handling | Main Number settings |
essensys Platform - Telephony - Main number details - View all detailsHow do I view a summary of the current settings for a main number? | Summary | View all details | Controls | Main number
essensys Platform - Telephony - Main number details - ActivateHow do I make my main number "live", so people can call my organization? | Main number | Reception | Call handling, operator or occupier |
essensys Platform - Telephony - Main number details - Call settingsHow do I determine the call handling for calls arriving at the main number? | Call settings | in / out of hours | in space | main reception
essensys Platform - Telephony - Main number details - In space hunt groupHow do I configure the numbers in my in space hunt group? | Main number | Simultaneous ring | Hunt group extensions
essensys Platform - Telephony - Main number details - GreetingsHow do I configure the greetings information for main reception? | Greeting | Comment | Evo
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number detailsHow do I activate and configure my phone numbers? | Phone numbers | Configure | Activate | User Features | Occupier | Operator | Assign
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - View all detailsHow do I view a summary of the current settings for a phone number? | Summary | View all details | Controls
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - ActivateHow do I activate a phone number? | Enable voice service use | Consume voice services | Activate | Deactivate
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - Assign to a user or team memberHow do I assign a phone number to a user or team member? | Assign | Unassign | occupier user | operator / account team member
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - Name the handset (label)How do I define a name to display on the handset associated with my phone number? | Edit assigned label | First / last name | Label 1 / 2
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - Device setupHow do I view my phone number's handset details and device type? | Phone MAC Address | Device type
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - Set extension featuresHow do I configure phone number features? | Extension features | Voicemail settings | Call forwarding | Call settings
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - Enable softphoneHow do I enable my phone number to work with a softphone app? | Phone number | Enable | Softphone
essensys Platform - Telephony - Phone number details - Login / Logout of handsetHow do I log in a telephone number into a handset?
essensys Platform - Telephony - Reset PINHow do I reset a telephony PIN back to its default value? | Locked PIN | Default PIN | Voicemail, Handset, and Voice Portal PIN
essensys Platform - Telephony - Status ReferenceA summary of the statuses that may be associated with a particular main number or phone number in the essensys platform
essensys Platform - Telephony - Recording your Voicemail MessagesHow do I record my voicemail on my essensys provided handset?
essensys Platform - Telephony - Number Porting - UKUK number porting
essensys Platform - Telephony - Number Porting - USNumber Porting within the US
essensys Platform - Telephony CNAM - Caller ID Name (US Only)Using Caller ID Names in Platform
essensys Platform - Occupier setup (New client)How do I create a new occupier and set up their spaces and services?
essensys Platform - Manage contractsHow do I update the details of an existing contract? | Occupier | Dates and basic details |
essensys Platform - Update space occupancies (Space move)How do I add a new occupancy? | Guided occupier | Add space | Remove space | Space move
essensys Platform - Service guideHow do I access a service, set up, and usage guide for an occupier contract? | Contract | Service guide | telephony | Wi-Fi | Welcome pack
essensys Platform - Manage servicesHow do I add and manage services for my occupier? | Voice and Internet | Call features | Tariff | Service Level | Bandwidth | Public IP |
essensys Platform - Occupier management - Understanding voice servicesHow are voice services managed from essensys Platform? | Add services | Manage services | Post-creation configuration | Automatic allocation
essensys Platform - Create usersHow do I create occupier users? | occupier | Create user | assigned telephony | sites | Wi-Fi Secure | experience access
essensys Platform - Create users in bulkHow do I create occupier users in bulk? | occupier | Create user | Smart Access | Wi-Fi Secure | Bulk Users | On-boarding |
essensys Platform - Occupier management - Edit users in bulk
essensys Platform - Occupier management - Delete users in bulkHow do I delete a group of selected users in bulk? | Occupier user | Delete |
essensys Platform - Occupier management - User Wi-Fi historyHow do I view details of an occupier user's Wi-Fi use? | Wi-Fi Secure | Reports | Wi-Fi homesite | Roaming
essensys Platform - Occupier management - Call chargesHow do I view details of an occupier's call charges?
essensys Platform - Network management - Add and Connect Wi-Fi devicesHow do I connect my shared devices to the Wi-Fi device network? | Wifi Device | Wifi MAC | shared | Operator Account | Occupier | Communal
essensys Platform - Network infoHow do I find out the network details for an occupier at a particular site? | Public IP | Private IP | Occupier VLAN | Disable DHCP |
essensys Platform - Occupier configHow do I manage the basic configuration for an occupier? | Change name | Update billing reference | Change external IDs
essensys Platform - Occupier management - Occupier site move
essensys Platform - Decommissioning an occupierHow do I decommission an occupier across all sites? | Delete occupier devices and users | End contracts, occupancies, and services |
essensys Platform - Occupier management - Platform search for usersHow do I jump to details of a particular occupier user from any page in the platform? | Occupier user | Platform search | Quick
essensys Platform - Account managementHow do I create and manage Account details? | Landlord | Operator | Team Member | Services | Telephony
essensys Platform - Account - Team member managementHow do I view and manage details of users that are members of the operator team? | Team member | Account | operator | Create user
essensys Platform - Account - Add servicesHow do I assign services for the operator account? | Voice and Internet | Call features | Tariff | Service Level | Bandwidth | Public IP |
essensys Platform - Account - Operator key contactsHow do I manage contact details for emergency and routine notifications? | Operator key contact | Multiple sites
essensys Platform - OperationsHow do I monitor and manage the system in operation? | Reports | Support | Billing | Products and Pricebooks | Tasks
essensys Platform - Operations - ReportsHow do I create a report that lets me analyze service usage across my occupier sites? | Wi-Fi Reports | Services Reports
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Wi-Fi Secure roaming reportHow many users connect to Wi-Fi Secure network at sites other than their homesite? | Roaming | Occupier users | Account team members |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Count of Wi-Fi UsersHow many users are connecting to the Wi-Fi Secure network at my sites? | Occupier user | Account team member | Count
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Secure Wi-Fi overviewHow do I view a summary of connections to the Wi-Fi Secure network? | Users | Wi-Fi Secure | Occupier users, Account team members, Roaming |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Secure Wi-Fi detailHow do I view details of connections to the Wi-Fi Secure network? | Secure Wi-Fi | bandwidth, time online | Detail | Download | CSV
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Guest Wi-Fi overviewHow do I report on the devices connecting to the Wi-Fi Guest network at my sites? | Wi-Fi Guest | bandwidth, time online | Summary
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Guest Wi-Fi detailHow do I view details of connections to the Wi-Fi Guest network? | Guest Wi-Fi | MAC, bandwidth, time online | Detail | Download | CSV
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Wi-Fi heatmapHow can I monitor the patterns of use on the Wi-Fi Secure network across my sites? | Heatmap | Patterns of use | Wi-Fi Secure |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Active servicesHow do I report on the currently active services at my sites? | Infrastructure | Pricebook | Sites
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage summaryHow do I analyse the bandwidth usage at my sites? | Upload | Download | Summary | Total
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage by clientHow do I monitor shared pipe use by clients? | How do I know if a shared pipe is over-utilized? | Occupier or operator use | Shared pipes |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage by applicationHow do I know which of an occupier's applications are using the most bandwidth? | Application | Protocol |
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Bandwidth usage by IP addressHow do I know which devices are consuming most bandwidth? | Public IP | IP address | occupier
essensys Platform - Operations - Reports - Service statusHow do I view the real-time network status across multiple sites? | How do I view the primary and backup circuit health at each site? |
essensys Platform - Operations - BillingHow do I create billing reports that reflect the call charges for occupiers or operators at my sites? | Billing services | Occupier summary
essensys Platform - Operations - Support CasesHow do I create and monitor support cases in the platform? | Support | Issues / Cases | Operations
essensys Platform - Operations - Monitoring TasksHow do I monitor the tasks being processed by the system? | Service activation | Switch management | Telephony | Tasks | Raise a case
essensys Platform - Operations - View Infrastructure PricebooksHow do I view the infrastructure pricebook details? | Service Prices | Public IP, Bandwidth, Voice, and Other Service Prices |
essensys Platform - BrandingHow do I customize my pages to reflect my branding? | White label | essensys Platform | Guest Wi-Fi Sign in | Mobile App | Landlord
essensys Platform - Branding - White labelingHow do I make the essensys Platform match my brand or corporate identity? | Operator Identity | Platform, portal, and service guide branding
essensys Platform - Branding - Guest Wi-Fi brandingHow do I brand the Guest Wi-Fi sign in experience for users at a site? | Guest Wi-Fi | Branding | Customize |
essensys Platform - Branding - Customizing your Mobile AppHow do I create a customized and branded version of the mobile app? | Branding | Logos | App Store |
essensys Platform - Smart Access moduleHow do I use the optional Smart Access module? | Door access | Access logging | Groups | Occupier, Operator, and Access users
essensys Platform - Smart Access - DoorsHow do I configure the settings for doors? | Smart Access | Online door schedule | Door and device identifiers | Alarms | Enable
essensys Platform - Smart Access - Assign direct doors to spacesHow do I indicate where my door is located? | Assign space | Direct Door | Not assigned
essensys Platform - Smart Access - GroupsHow do I create a group that maps users and doors for Smart Access? | User Access | Smart Access | Open Doors | Site Access
essensys Platform - Smart Access - Access usersHow do I create a user who can only access spaces? | Doors | Access Users |
essensys Platform - Smart Access - Occupier usersHow do I grant access to my occupier users? | Add or Edit Occupier User | Activate access control | Offline access | Card ID | Access groups
essensys Platform - Smart Access - Account team membersHow do I grant access to my account team members? | Add operator user | Activate | Smart Access | Offline access | Card ID | Access groups
essensys Platform - Smart Access - View Access LogHow do I view the logs created when users access spaces? | Access logs | Door Access | Site Access
essensys Platform - Dynamic Booking - Operations - Book Spaces (Calendar)How do I view and create bookings at a site? | Calendar | Space booking | Dynamic Booking | Room | Price | Ad hoc booking
essensys Platform - Dynamic Booking - Configuration - Manage Booking rulesHow do I define the constraints for space bookings? | Booking rules | Minimum / Maximum Booking Times | T&Cs | Dynamic Booking module
essensys Platform - Support - Contact usHow can I get help with essensys Platform? | Support Case | Network Issues | Knowledge Base | Chat with us
essensys Platform - Get started - Connect to Wi-Fi SecureHow do I connect my private devices to the Wi-Fi Secure network at my sites? | Wi-Fi Secure | Operator
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - WiFi TroubleshootingHow do I troubleshoot WiFi issues at my site?
essensys Platform - Advanced networking - Public IP and Unmanaged NetworksHow do I set up and install a Public IP with an unmanaged Router or Firewall? | Public IP | Unmanaged network | Occupier network
essensys Platform - Advanced networking - Testing a Public IP AddressHow do I test that my public IP address is available? | Test | Use Public IP to get online
essensys Platform - Advanced networking - DHCPWhat is DHCP and what is it used for? | How and when would I disable DHCP? | Network info | Occupier
essensys Platform - Advanced networking - About bandwidth pipesWhich pipes are available at a site? | Dedicated | Shared | Superfast | Standard | Bandwidth |
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - How to add a printer by IP addressHow to add a printer to your computer by IP address
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - How to find your MAC address of Your DeviceThis article describes how to find a MAC address on your device
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - How to Forget a Wireless NetworkHow to perform basic WiFi troubleshooting for an individual PC or Mac.
Essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - Cyber Essentials FAQsThis will cover FAQ's during the Cyber Essentials Process
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - GeolocationWhat is Geolocation and how does it affect your clients connecting via Wi-Fi
essensys Platform - WiFi Certificate
essensys Platform - Advanced Network - VPNWhat is a VPN, how does it affect your network and why does it matter?
essensys Platform - Demystifying the comms room - Introduction
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - What is a Wireless Access PointIn this guide, we will detail what a Wireless Access Point does, and what do the lights mean on the hardware?
essensys Platform - Advanced Networking - Understanding what's in your Comms Room or IT ClosetUsing the tools and devices your comms room may contain
Approved Hardware
Network Hardware compatible with the essensys Platform
Approved SwitchesCompatible switches for use with essensys Platform
Wi-Fi Secure for Meraki WAPsHow do I configure my Meraki WAPs to use essensys Wi-Fi Experience
Test SSID configurationHow to test I have set up My SSID correctly
How to find my BSSIDs
Wi-Fi Guest for Meraki WAPsHow to configure 'Wi-Fi Guest' for Meraki WAPs